Washington Performance Results for PY 2018


This report is the Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA) assessment of PY 2018 WIOA performance results for Washington. Performance is assessed using state negotiated levels of performance, actual levels of performance, actual participant characteristics and economic conditions within a state, and estimates of the statistical adjustment models for PY 2018. Since the amount of WIOA data available is currently limited, there are some limits in the conclusions that can be drawn from this assessment. WIA data (2015 and prior) were used to derive proxy estimates from the statistical adjustment models. Then, once we received PY 2018 participant data, those proxy model estimates were used to adjust the PY 2018 negotiated levels of performance. The adjusted levels of performance were then compared against the actual levels of performance of states to get the individual indicator scores and overall indicator and program scores.

Some things to note about this performance assessment:

  • The model estimates are only proxy estimates since they were generated using only WIA data as a proxy.
  • Indicator scores for the Measurable Skill Gains indicator could not be evaluated because there is no WIA data that can be used as a proxy. Performance for the Measurable Skill Gains indicator will first occur for PY 2020.
  • Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit for the Youth program could not be assessed because an adequate proxy WIA model could not be developed due to the lack of necessary data under WIA.
  • The participant characteristic variables related to the Education Functioning Level (i.e., eflpre, eflprescore, and eflpostscore) were held constant because the reporting structure for EFL changed from WIA to WIOA.


The figures here give an overview of the performance results for Washington in PY 2018 using the proxy model estimates to get performance scores as discussed in About. The data table shows the summary data related to these figures.

State Performance Scores

The figures below show the performance scores for Washington. The color of the state map (i.e., green for performance success or red for performance failure) indicates if Washington had any type of performance failure. The boxes on the right show the overall state indicator scores and overall state program scores. There is a performance failure if any overall score is below 90%.

The figure below shows the individual indicator scores for each program. The scores are calculated by dividing the actual level of performance by the adjusted level of performance (the values used in the calculation are shown in the box). A failure occurs if an individual indicator score is below 50%.

State Comparison

The figures below show how Washington compared to all other states in PY 2018. Distributions of actual levels of performance for each indicator for all states are on the left and distributions of individual indicator scores for all states are on the right. The ranking of Washington for each distribution is flagged.

Data Table

Washington Performance Data
Program Indicator Negotiated Level Adjusted Level Actual Level Score
Adult Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 73.0% 67.2% 69.0% 102.6%
Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit $6,200 $9,969 $8,564 85.9%
Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 72.2% 69.8% 70.2% 100.5%
Credential Attainment Rate 61.4% 50.9% 67.7% 132.9%
Overall Program Score 105.5%
Dislocated Worker Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 78.4% 74.5% 78.5% 105.4%
Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit $6,200 $6,685 $10,496 157%
Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 75.1% 72.5% 77.7% 107.1%
Credential Attainment Rate 64.8% 56.3% 71.4% 126.7%
Overall Program Score 124%
Youth Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 63.0% 60.6% 62.7% 103.5%
Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 59.4% 54.2% 66.2% 122%
Credential Attainment Rate 51.7% 32.0% 70.3% 219.2%
Overall Program Score 148.1%
Wagner-Peyser Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 68.0% 66.1% 70.0% 105.9%
Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit $6,900 $7,481 $7,233 96.6%
Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 67.0% 66.4% 69.6% 104.8%
Overall Program Score 102.4%
Overall Indicator Score Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit 104.2%
Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit 113.2%
Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit 108.5%
Credential Attainment Rate 159.5%


This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2018 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Adult program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


These figures show details for each of the performance indicators in this program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2018 prior to the start of PY 2018.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2018 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2018, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related actual data. This data is used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions of the table columns are as follows:

  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2018.
  • Variable Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2018 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Variable Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2018 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2018 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Variable Estimate0 from Variable Estimate1.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
78.39% 72.61% -5.78%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0751 0.5449 0.4650 4.09% 3.49% -0.60%
Age 25 to 44 0.0231 0.5270 0.4432 1.22% 1.02% -0.19%
Age 45 to 54 -0.0079 0.1883 0.2419 -0.15% -0.19% -0.04%
Age 55 to 59 0.0960 0.0685 0.1240 0.66% 1.19% 0.53%
Age 60 or more -0.4201 0.0366 0.1323 -1.54% -5.56% -4.02%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0080 0.1221 0.0611 -0.10% -0.05% 0.05%
Race: American Indian -0.0827 0.0350 0.0272 -0.29% -0.23% 0.06%
Race: Asian 0.1093 0.0793 0.1062 0.87% 1.16% 0.29%
Race: Black -0.0229 0.1501 0.0800 -0.34% -0.18% 0.16%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.0030 0.0132 0.0198 0.00% -0.01% 0.00%
Race: Multiple -0.0576 0.0233 0.0292 -0.13% -0.17% -0.03%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -0.1843 0.0774 0.0626 -1.43% -1.15% 0.27%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0211 0.4640 0.2864 0.98% 0.60% -0.37%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.1033 0.2163 0.2083 2.23% 2.15% -0.08%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.0598 0.0097 0.0353 0.06% 0.21% 0.15%
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.2672 0.1015 0.1020 2.71% 2.73% 0.01%
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree -0.0022 0.0992 0.2194 -0.02% -0.05% -0.03%
Individual with a Disability -0.1237 0.0615 0.0684 -0.76% -0.85% -0.09%
Veteran 0.0936 0.0840 0.0683 0.79% 0.64% -0.15%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -0.0119 1.0000 1.0000 -1.19% -1.19% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency 0.2420 0.0766 0.0732 1.85% 1.77% -0.08%
Single Parent 0.0312 0.2692 0.0287 0.84% 0.09% -0.75%
Low Income -0.0026 0.8989 0.1546 -0.23% -0.04% 0.19%
TANF Recipient -0.0407 0.0681 0.0418 -0.28% -0.17% 0.11%
Homeless -0.0990 0.0595 0.0402 -0.59% -0.40% 0.19%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0214 0.1295 0.0572 -0.28% -0.12% 0.15%
UI Claimant 0.0065 0.2439 0.1355 0.16% 0.09% -0.07%
UI Exhaustee -0.0708 0.0008 0.0000 -0.01% 0.00% 0.01%
Supportive Services Recipient 0.0379 0.1711 0.1181 0.65% 0.45% -0.20%
Received Needs-related Payments -0.0671 0.0019 0.0008 -0.01% -0.01% 0.01%
Received Individualized Career Services 0.0146 0.9047 0.1200 1.32% 0.17% -1.14%
Received Training 0.1067 0.4726 0.0434 5.04% 0.46% -4.58%
Established Individual Training Account -0.0283 0.1564 0.0346 -0.44% -0.10% 0.34%
Pell Grant Recepient -0.0365 0.0650 0.0082 -0.24% -0.03% 0.21%
Received Pre-vocational Services -0.0112 0.0397 0.0994 -0.04% -0.11% -0.07%
Days in Program 0.0000 236.8755 44.0151 -1.01% -0.19% 0.82%
Educational Status at Program Entry -0.0330 0.0004 0.0479 0.00% -0.16% -0.16%
Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0509 0.1626 0.0845 0.83% 0.43% -0.40%
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0520 0.5107 0.7773 2.65% 4.04% 1.38%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -1.4015 0.0334 0.0334 -4.68% -4.69% -0.01%
Construction Employment -1.7088 0.0533 0.0584 -9.11% -9.97% -0.87%
Manufacturing Employment -0.5120 0.0954 0.0884 -4.89% -4.53% 0.36%
Information Services Employment -1.0836 0.0385 0.0401 -4.17% -4.34% -0.17%
Financial Services Employment -1.9796 0.0452 0.0448 -8.95% -8.86% 0.09%
Professional and Business Services Employment 0.4487 0.1245 0.1251 5.59% 5.61% 0.03%
Educational or Health Care Employment -0.8222 0.2254 0.2246 -18.53% -18.47% 0.06%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -1.2238 0.1056 0.1063 -12.93% -13.01% -0.08%
Other Services Employment -1.6016 0.0297 0.0296 -4.75% -4.74% 0.01%
Public Administration -1.1375 0.0506 0.0498 -5.75% -5.66% 0.09%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.3597 0.0558 0.0461 -7.58% -6.27% 1.31%

Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
$5,882.63 $9,652.01 $3,769.37
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -1940.2541 0.5497 0.4596 -$1,066.54 -$891.75 $174.79
Age 25 to 44 422.2077 0.5359 0.4612 $226.24 $194.70 -$31.54
Age 45 to 54 -437.4060 0.1855 0.2465 -$81.12 -$107.81 -$26.69
Age 55 to 59 522.6574 0.0589 0.1209 $30.79 $63.20 $32.41
Age 60 or more 662.3522 0.0277 0.1079 $18.32 $71.50 $53.17
Hispanic Ethnicity -1596.6279 0.1240 0.0649 -$197.94 -$103.67 $94.28
Race: American Indian -2991.1077 0.0343 0.0268 -$102.67 -$80.22 $22.45
Race: Asian 1276.3620 0.0809 0.1075 $103.31 $137.18 $33.86
Race: Black -817.7831 0.1460 0.0851 -$119.40 -$69.59 $49.81
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1526.6272 0.0138 0.0211 $21.12 $32.22 $11.10
Race: Multiple 382.0255 0.0231 0.0296 $8.81 $11.32 $2.52
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -730.1492 0.0702 0.0595 -$51.25 -$43.43 $7.81
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency -416.0409 0.4698 0.2890 -$195.45 -$120.22 $75.23
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 985.6727 0.2162 0.2048 $213.09 $201.86 -$11.23
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 2744.8292 0.0108 0.0367 $29.53 $100.73 $71.20
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 3371.4895 0.1019 0.1053 $343.71 $355.10 $11.38
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 3059.6143 0.1004 0.2211 $307.22 $676.58 $369.36
Individual with a Disability -1131.4745 0.0523 0.0575 -$59.12 -$65.10 -$5.97
Veteran 1826.5462 0.0768 0.0655 $140.36 $119.70 -$20.66
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -41.9753 1.0000 1.0000 -$41.98 -$41.98 $0.00
Limited English Proficiency 1693.5999 0.0758 0.0737 $128.41 $124.87 -$3.53
Single Parent -670.8180 0.2792 0.0298 -$187.29 -$19.97 $167.32
Low Income -700.8259 0.8950 0.1515 -$627.22 -$106.17 $521.05
TANF Recipient 1174.7432 0.0651 0.0382 $76.43 $44.93 -$31.50
Homeless 360.2565 0.0523 0.0362 $18.82 $13.05 -$5.77
Individual who was Incarcerated -239.2977 0.1117 0.0562 -$26.72 -$13.45 $13.28
UI Claimant -580.8368 0.2623 0.1798 -$152.35 -$104.43 $47.92
UI Exhaustee -211.9141 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Supportive Services Recipient 119.2183 0.1552 0.1215 $18.51 $14.49 -$4.02
Received Needs-related Payments -324.4262 0.0020 0.0011 -$0.66 -$0.35 $0.32
Received Individualized Career Services 285.2642 0.8986 0.1256 $256.33 $35.84 -$220.49
Received Training 1302.8934 0.4826 0.0482 $628.75 $62.79 -$565.96
Established Individual Training Account 50.3966 0.1619 0.0382 $8.16 $1.92 -$6.23
Pell Grant Recepient 366.7847 0.0681 0.0093 $24.99 $3.43 -$21.56
Received Pre-vocational Services -174.9981 0.0374 0.0997 -$6.54 -$17.46 -$10.91
Days in Program 0.9384 224.2085 43.9901 $210.40 $41.28 -$169.12
Educational Status at Program Entry 394.7860 0.0005 0.0500 $0.20 $19.74 $19.54
Employment Status at Program Entry 1022.4497 0.1849 0.0992 $189.09 $101.43 -$87.66
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -2305.9184 0.5630 0.8044 -$1,298.26 -$1,854.90 -$556.64
Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.3644 693.1950 11037.5250 $252.61 $4,022.22 $3,769.61
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 29407.3388 0.0334 0.0334 $981.82 $983.44 $1.62
Construction Employment 15403.1946 0.0533 0.0584 $820.86 $899.04 $78.18
Manufacturing Employment 24324.7761 0.0954 0.0884 $2,321.07 $2,150.84 -$170.23
Information Services Employment 7223.6277 0.0385 0.0401 $277.85 $289.40 $11.55
Financial Services Employment 5436.2609 0.0452 0.0448 $245.84 $243.40 -$2.44
Professional and Business Services Employment 37504.0485 0.1245 0.1251 $4,668.77 $4,692.54 $23.77
Educational or Health Care Employment 26496.7726 0.2254 0.2246 $5,971.67 $5,952.39 -$19.28
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 15153.5454 0.1056 0.1063 $1,600.91 $1,611.02 $10.11
Other Services Employment 18447.3051 0.0297 0.0296 $547.33 $546.02 -$1.32
Public Administration 28459.3780 0.0506 0.0498 $1,438.79 $1,416.01 -$22.78
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -9803.9959 0.0558 0.0461 -$546.72 -$452.02 $94.70

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
77.92% 75.51% -2.41%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0125 0.5503 0.4631 0.69% 0.58% -0.11%
Age 25 to 44 0.0503 0.5312 0.4394 2.67% 2.21% -0.46%
Age 45 to 54 -0.1084 0.1938 0.2463 -2.10% -2.67% -0.57%
Age 55 to 59 0.0206 0.0595 0.1265 0.12% 0.26% 0.14%
Age 60 or more -0.2491 0.0314 0.1298 -0.78% -3.23% -2.45%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0647 0.1066 0.0636 -0.69% -0.41% 0.28%
Race: American Indian -0.0412 0.0324 0.0242 -0.13% -0.10% 0.03%
Race: Asian 0.3557 0.0748 0.1113 2.66% 3.96% 1.30%
Race: Black -0.0212 0.1537 0.0892 -0.33% -0.19% 0.14%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.3948 0.0160 0.0200 0.63% 0.79% 0.16%
Race: Multiple 0.0766 0.0251 0.0267 0.19% 0.20% 0.01%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -0.1559 0.0912 0.0815 -1.42% -1.27% 0.15%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0363 0.4654 0.2827 1.69% 1.03% -0.66%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0579 0.2212 0.1998 1.28% 1.16% -0.12%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.1656 0.0077 0.0328 -0.13% -0.54% -0.42%
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.3120 0.1046 0.1021 3.26% 3.19% -0.08%
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.1173 0.0852 0.2158 1.00% 2.53% 1.53%
Individual with a Disability -0.1579 0.0508 0.0616 -0.80% -0.97% -0.17%
Veteran 0.0998 0.0822 0.0643 0.82% 0.64% -0.18%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -0.0078 1.0000 1.0000 -0.78% -0.78% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency 0.0394 0.0742 0.0763 0.29% 0.30% 0.01%
Single Parent 0.0409 0.2797 0.0314 1.14% 0.13% -1.02%
Low Income -0.0399 0.9028 0.1425 -3.60% -0.57% 3.03%
TANF Recipient -0.0277 0.0722 0.0340 -0.20% -0.09% 0.11%
Homeless 0.0039 0.0531 0.0385 0.02% 0.02% -0.01%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0368 0.1323 0.0513 -0.49% -0.19% 0.30%
UI Claimant 0.0421 0.2489 0.1300 1.05% 0.55% -0.50%
UI Exhaustee -0.0564 0.0007 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Supportive Services Recipient 0.0305 0.2797 0.1132 0.85% 0.34% -0.51%
Received Needs-related Payments -0.0802 0.0017 0.0011 -0.01% -0.01% 0.00%
Received Individualized Career Services 0.0315 0.8991 0.1400 2.83% 0.44% -2.39%
Received Training 0.0502 0.5038 0.0520 2.53% 0.26% -2.27%
Established Individual Training Account 0.0110 0.2746 0.0405 0.30% 0.04% -0.26%
Pell Grant Recepient 0.0386 0.0809 0.0111 0.31% 0.04% -0.27%
Received Pre-vocational Services -0.0065 0.0695 0.0946 -0.05% -0.06% -0.02%
Days in Program 0.0000 290.4474 50.3926 -1.16% -0.20% 0.95%
Educational Status at Program Entry -0.0121 0.0003 0.0516 0.00% -0.06% -0.06%
Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0909 0.1624 0.0809 1.48% 0.74% -0.74%
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0512 0.5015 0.6690 2.57% 3.42% 0.86%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -0.8813 0.0336 0.0328 -2.96% -2.89% 0.07%
Construction Employment -0.1546 0.0525 0.0572 -0.81% -0.88% -0.07%
Manufacturing Employment -0.1405 0.0965 0.0895 -1.36% -1.26% 0.10%
Information Services Employment -0.4581 0.0379 0.0397 -1.74% -1.82% -0.08%
Financial Services Employment -4.0672 0.0456 0.0448 -18.56% -18.22% 0.34%
Professional and Business Services Employment 1.6411 0.1238 0.1253 20.31% 20.56% 0.25%
Educational or Health Care Employment -0.9026 0.2254 0.2249 -20.34% -20.30% 0.04%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 0.8564 0.1051 0.1061 9.00% 9.09% 0.09%
Other Services Employment -0.6621 0.0297 0.0298 -1.96% -1.97% -0.01%
Public Administration -0.5414 0.0508 0.0500 -2.75% -2.71% 0.04%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -0.8649 0.0564 0.0471 -4.87% -4.08% 0.80%

Credential Attainment Rate

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
63.98% 53.50% -10.48%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0033 0.5336 0.4913 -0.17% -0.16% 0.01%
Age 25 to 44 -0.0136 0.5664 0.5491 -0.77% -0.75% 0.02%
Age 45 to 54 -0.0550 0.1483 0.1400 -0.82% -0.77% 0.05%
Age 55 to 59 0.3368 0.0466 0.0781 1.57% 2.63% 1.06%
Age 60 or more 0.0930 0.0293 0.0377 0.27% 0.35% 0.08%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.1788 0.1448 0.1521 -2.59% -2.72% -0.13%
Race: American Indian 0.1049 0.0379 0.0242 0.40% 0.25% -0.14%
Race: Asian 0.1450 0.0491 0.0861 0.71% 1.25% 0.54%
Race: Black 0.1709 0.1371 0.1454 2.34% 2.48% 0.14%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.0370 0.0164 0.0188 0.06% 0.07% 0.01%
Race: Multiple -0.0901 0.0328 0.0363 -0.30% -0.33% -0.03%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -0.1381 0.0672 0.2005 -0.93% -2.77% -1.84%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0565 0.5026 0.4065 2.84% 2.30% -0.54%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0332 0.2310 0.1911 0.77% 0.63% -0.13%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.2153 0.0069 0.0215 0.15% 0.46% 0.32%
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree -0.1918 0.1017 0.0996 -1.95% -1.91% 0.04%
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree -0.0350 0.0707 0.0592 -0.25% -0.21% 0.04%
Individual with a Disability 0.3018 0.0595 0.0579 1.80% 1.75% -0.05%
Veteran -0.2762 0.0767 0.0525 -2.12% -1.45% 0.67%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -0.0542 1.0000 1.0000 -5.42% -5.42% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency -0.1673 0.0483 0.1171 -0.81% -1.96% -1.15%
Single Parent 0.0823 0.3129 0.1265 2.57% 1.04% -1.53%
Low Income 0.0664 0.9086 0.3149 6.03% 2.09% -3.94%
TANF Recipient -0.1205 0.0707 0.0538 -0.85% -0.65% 0.20%
Homeless -0.0856 0.0440 0.0767 -0.38% -0.66% -0.28%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.1568 0.1388 0.0996 -2.18% -1.56% 0.61%
UI Claimant 0.0564 0.2147 0.1319 1.21% 0.74% -0.47%
UI Exhaustee 0.2465 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Supportive Services Recipient -0.0373 0.1664 0.5236 -0.62% -1.95% -1.33%
Received Needs-related Payments -0.4270 0.0017 0.0094 -0.07% -0.40% -0.33%
Received Individualized Career Services 0.1363 0.9500 0.8022 12.95% 10.93% -2.02%
Established Individual Training Account 0.0425 0.2733 0.7995 1.16% 3.40% 2.24%
Pell Grant Recepient 0.2274 0.1284 0.1077 2.92% 2.45% -0.47%
Received Pre-vocational Services 0.0188 0.0379 0.1736 0.07% 0.33% 0.26%
Days in Program -0.0002 304.5129 255.0000 -5.54% -4.64% 0.90%
Educational Status at Program Entry -0.1492 0.0009 0.2651 -0.01% -3.96% -3.94%
Employment Status at Program Entry -0.0902 0.2112 0.2019 -1.90% -1.82% 0.08%
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -0.0047 0.5319 0.4711 -0.25% -0.22% 0.03%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 2.7261 0.0332 0.0328 9.06% 8.94% -0.13%
Construction Employment 1.0411 0.0540 0.0572 5.62% 5.96% 0.34%
Manufacturing Employment 0.2112 0.0945 0.0895 2.00% 1.89% -0.10%
Information Services Employment -15.0444 0.0387 0.0397 -58.21% -59.75% -1.54%
Financial Services Employment 11.5870 0.0451 0.0448 52.27% 51.91% -0.37%
Professional and Business Services Employment -1.1148 0.1247 0.1253 -13.90% -13.97% -0.07%
Educational or Health Care Employment -0.4465 0.2254 0.2249 -10.07% -10.04% 0.02%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -0.5443 0.1059 0.1061 -5.76% -5.78% -0.01%
Other Services Employment -4.8254 0.0297 0.0298 -14.31% -14.36% -0.05%
Public Administration 0.0466 0.0505 0.0500 0.24% 0.23% 0.00%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -0.8077 0.0555 0.0471 -4.48% -3.81% 0.67%

Dislocated Worker

This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2018 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Dislocated Worker program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


These figures show details for each of the performance indicators in this program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2018 prior to the start of PY 2018.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2018 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2018, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related actual data. This data is used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions of the table columns are as follows:

  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2018.
  • Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2018 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2018 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2018 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Estimate0 from Estimate1.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
81.36% 77.45% -3.90%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0095 0.4522 0.4069 0.43% 0.39% -0.04%
Age 25 to 44 -0.0189 0.3959 0.4337 -0.75% -0.82% -0.07%
Age 45 to 54 0.1397 0.3142 0.2726 4.39% 3.81% -0.58%
Age 55 to 59 -0.0111 0.1491 0.1380 -0.17% -0.15% 0.01%
Age 60 or more -0.3485 0.1082 0.1098 -3.77% -3.83% -0.06%
Hispanic Ethnicity 0.1108 0.0866 0.0921 0.96% 1.02% 0.06%
Race: American Indian -0.0005 0.0265 0.0231 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Race: Asian 0.1534 0.0698 0.0898 1.07% 1.38% 0.31%
Race: Black 0.0040 0.0772 0.0526 0.03% 0.02% -0.01%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.1247 0.0119 0.0154 0.15% 0.19% 0.04%
Race: Multiple -0.1064 0.0213 0.0255 -0.23% -0.27% -0.04%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -0.0445 0.0307 0.0412 -0.14% -0.18% -0.05%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0357 0.3446 0.3108 1.23% 1.11% -0.12%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.1349 0.2116 0.2086 2.85% 2.81% -0.04%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.1339 0.0133 0.0372 0.18% 0.50% 0.32%
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.2096 0.1372 0.1189 2.88% 2.49% -0.38%
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.0285 0.1948 0.2070 0.55% 0.59% 0.03%
Individual with a Disability -0.1860 0.0597 0.0861 -1.11% -1.60% -0.49%
Veteran 0.1695 0.1281 0.1119 2.17% 1.90% -0.28%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -0.0070 1.0000 1.0000 -0.70% -0.70% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency -0.0053 0.0196 0.0670 -0.01% -0.04% -0.03%
Single Parent -0.1584 0.1341 0.0415 -2.12% -0.66% 1.47%
Low Income -0.0109 0.0080 0.1336 -0.01% -0.15% -0.14%
TANF Recipient 0.1023 0.0007 0.0094 0.01% 0.10% 0.09%
Homeless 0.7492 0.0000 0.0181 0.00% 1.35% 1.35%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.0208 0.0007 0.0378 0.00% -0.08% -0.08%
UI Claimant 0.0285 0.7535 0.1785 2.15% 0.51% -1.64%
UI Exhaustee 0.0136 0.0010 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Supportive Services Recipient 0.0616 0.1302 0.3382 0.80% 2.09% 1.28%
Received Needs-related Payments -0.0514 0.0436 0.0020 -0.22% -0.01% 0.21%
Received Individualized Career Services 0.0466 0.9801 0.6577 4.57% 3.07% -1.50%
Received Training 0.1088 0.5590 0.3694 6.08% 4.02% -2.06%
Established Individual Training Account -0.0382 0.2346 0.3104 -0.90% -1.19% -0.29%
Pell Grant Recepient 0.0357 0.0360 0.0224 0.13% 0.08% -0.05%
Received Pre-vocational Services 0.0067 0.0443 0.1765 0.03% 0.12% 0.09%
Days in Program 0.0000 312.7242 217.8617 -1.24% -0.86% 0.38%
Educational Status at Program Entry -0.0473 0.0000 0.0810 0.00% -0.38% -0.38%
Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0993 0.0534 0.1825 0.53% 1.81% 1.28%
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0310 0.7291 0.6614 2.26% 2.05% -0.21%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -1.1809 0.0334 0.0334 -3.94% -3.95% -0.01%
Construction Employment -1.7996 0.0533 0.0584 -9.59% -10.50% -0.91%
Manufacturing Employment -0.3144 0.0954 0.0884 -3.00% -2.78% 0.22%
Information Services Employment 0.2651 0.0385 0.0401 1.02% 1.06% 0.04%
Financial Services Employment -0.8274 0.0452 0.0448 -3.74% -3.70% 0.04%
Professional and Business Services Employment 0.4000 0.1245 0.1251 4.98% 5.01% 0.03%
Educational or Health Care Employment -1.2518 0.2254 0.2246 -28.21% -28.12% 0.09%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -1.6073 0.1056 0.1063 -16.98% -17.09% -0.11%
Other Services Employment -1.2718 0.0297 0.0296 -3.77% -3.76% 0.01%
Public Administration -0.6134 0.0506 0.0498 -3.10% -3.05% 0.05%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.2019 0.0558 0.0461 -6.70% -5.54% 1.16%

Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
$8,568.75 $9,053.42 $484.68
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -1892.9358 0.4527 0.4026 -$856.87 -$762.02 $94.86
Age 25 to 44 721.5125 0.4240 0.4525 $305.89 $326.45 $20.56
Age 45 to 54 -26.3600 0.3172 0.2716 -$8.36 -$7.16 $1.20
Age 55 to 59 918.5044 0.1480 0.1339 $135.98 $122.99 -$12.99
Age 60 or more -2721.4519 0.0745 0.0917 -$202.67 -$249.51 -$46.84
Hispanic Ethnicity -1401.1614 0.0897 0.0972 -$125.72 -$136.23 -$10.51
Race: American Indian -958.4143 0.0260 0.0222 -$24.94 -$21.25 $3.69
Race: Asian 1577.9858 0.0731 0.0925 $115.39 $146.02 $30.63
Race: Black -2238.4321 0.0758 0.0550 -$169.72 -$123.14 $46.58
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -160.4776 0.0126 0.0171 -$2.02 -$2.74 -$0.72
Race: Multiple 1711.6501 0.0215 0.0264 $36.86 $45.25 $8.40
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -142.6141 0.0314 0.0431 -$4.48 -$6.14 -$1.66
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency -535.0382 0.3459 0.3203 -$185.07 -$171.35 $13.72
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 1901.3011 0.2140 0.1940 $406.87 $368.91 -$37.96
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 3365.8940 0.0126 0.0401 $42.28 $134.92 $92.64
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 1235.8310 0.1382 0.1173 $170.77 $144.93 -$25.84
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 979.2899 0.1943 0.2043 $190.23 $200.03 $9.80
Individual with a Disability -646.1180 0.0493 0.0733 -$31.89 -$47.39 -$15.51
Veteran 2650.5717 0.1175 0.1011 $311.55 $267.88 -$43.67
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -17.4967 1.0000 1.0000 -$17.50 -$17.50 $0.00
Limited English Proficiency -1152.4655 0.0193 0.0652 -$22.23 -$75.19 -$52.96
Single Parent 127.2322 0.1458 0.0422 $18.55 $5.37 -$13.18
Low Income -119.7726 0.0076 0.1275 -$0.91 -$15.27 -$14.36
TANF Recipient -10898.8912 0.0009 0.0085 -$9.78 -$92.95 -$83.18
Homeless -2707.6887 0.0000 0.0166 $0.00 -$45.03 -$45.03
Individual who was Incarcerated -737.9150 0.0004 0.0358 -$0.33 -$26.43 -$26.10
UI Claimant -399.8546 0.7555 0.2009 -$302.09 -$80.31 $221.78
UI Exhaustee -649.4207 0.0004 0.0000 -$0.29 $0.00 $0.29
Supportive Services Recipient -0.2114 0.1274 0.3433 -$0.03 -$0.07 -$0.05
Received Needs-related Payments -705.0717 0.0440 0.0026 -$31.00 -$1.80 $29.20
Received Individualized Career Services 527.9422 0.9798 0.6529 $517.28 $344.68 -$172.60
Received Training 643.3410 0.5621 0.3783 $361.64 $243.34 -$118.30
Established Individual Training Account -21.2564 0.2490 0.3160 -$5.29 -$6.72 -$1.42
Pell Grant Recepient -179.3087 0.0395 0.0235 -$7.08 -$4.21 $2.87
Received Pre-vocational Services 38.7401 0.0467 0.1727 $1.81 $6.69 $4.88
Days in Program -0.2712 300.8165 212.6968 -$81.59 -$57.69 $23.90
Educational Status at Program Entry 279.0126 0.0000 0.0819 $0.00 $22.84 $22.84
Employment Status at Program Entry -183.6098 0.0583 0.2072 -$10.71 -$38.05 -$27.34
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -1293.5201 0.7519 0.6823 -$972.61 -$882.57 $90.03
Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.1902 6845.1602 10776.0200 $1,301.63 $2,049.09 $747.46
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 66373.0030 0.0334 0.0334 $2,216.00 $2,219.65 $3.66
Construction Employment 16321.2787 0.0533 0.0584 $869.79 $952.63 $82.84
Manufacturing Employment 19407.4177 0.0954 0.0884 $1,851.85 $1,716.04 -$135.82
Information Services Employment -19066.2171 0.0385 0.0401 -$733.35 -$763.84 -$30.49
Financial Services Employment -551.0605 0.0452 0.0448 -$24.92 -$24.67 $0.25
Professional and Business Services Employment 42898.0654 0.1245 0.1251 $5,340.26 $5,367.44 $27.19
Educational or Health Care Employment 32458.5897 0.2254 0.2246 $7,315.31 $7,291.69 -$23.62
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 5511.1592 0.1056 0.1063 $582.23 $585.91 $3.68
Other Services Employment 30251.6114 0.0297 0.0296 $897.57 $895.41 -$2.16
Public Administration 14577.0373 0.0506 0.0498 $736.95 $725.29 -$11.67
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -8277.2577 0.0558 0.0461 -$461.58 -$381.63 $79.95

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
79.59% 77.01% -2.58%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0365 0.4263 0.4123 -1.56% -1.51% 0.05%
Age 25 to 44 0.0096 0.4242 0.4311 0.41% 0.41% 0.01%
Age 45 to 54 0.1291 0.3166 0.2664 4.09% 3.44% -0.65%
Age 55 to 59 -0.0184 0.1295 0.1506 -0.24% -0.28% -0.04%
Age 60 or more -0.4869 0.0949 0.1078 -4.62% -5.25% -0.63%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0360 0.0763 0.1006 -0.27% -0.36% -0.09%
Race: American Indian 0.0143 0.0276 0.0208 0.04% 0.03% -0.01%
Race: Asian 0.2221 0.0673 0.0962 1.49% 2.14% 0.64%
Race: Black -0.0276 0.0754 0.0609 -0.21% -0.17% 0.04%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.0383 0.0102 0.0128 -0.04% -0.05% -0.01%
Race: Multiple 0.0466 0.0216 0.0292 0.10% 0.14% 0.04%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -0.0795 0.0312 0.0493 -0.25% -0.39% -0.14%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0451 0.3491 0.3229 1.57% 1.46% -0.12%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.1110 0.2466 0.2256 2.74% 2.50% -0.23%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.1298 0.0111 0.0280 0.14% 0.36% 0.22%
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.1734 0.1292 0.1178 2.24% 2.04% -0.20%
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.0847 0.1733 0.1907 1.47% 1.61% 0.15%
Individual with a Disability -0.0984 0.0514 0.0741 -0.51% -0.73% -0.22%
Veteran 0.0948 0.1652 0.1138 1.57% 1.08% -0.49%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -0.0065 1.0000 1.0000 -0.65% -0.65% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency 0.0433 0.0195 0.0673 0.08% 0.29% 0.21%
Single Parent -0.0888 0.1382 0.0461 -1.23% -0.41% 0.82%
Low Income 0.0127 0.0078 0.1278 0.01% 0.16% 0.15%
TANF Recipient 0.0368 0.0003 0.0108 0.00% 0.04% 0.04%
Homeless 0.7282 0.0000 0.0264 0.00% 1.93% 1.93%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.3810 0.0006 0.0473 -0.02% -1.80% -1.78%
UI Claimant 0.0410 0.7672 0.2051 3.15% 0.84% -2.31%
UI Exhaustee 0.0330 0.0003 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Supportive Services Recipient 0.0660 0.1941 0.3702 1.28% 2.44% 1.16%
Received Needs-related Payments -0.0163 0.0409 0.0016 -0.07% 0.00% 0.06%
Received Individualized Career Services 0.0337 0.9736 0.7143 3.28% 2.41% -0.87%
Received Training 0.0446 0.5746 0.3986 2.56% 1.78% -0.79%
Established Individual Training Account -0.0176 0.3620 0.3289 -0.64% -0.58% 0.06%
Pell Grant Recepient 0.0245 0.0388 0.0341 0.10% 0.08% -0.01%
Received Pre-vocational Services 0.0024 0.0661 0.2011 0.02% 0.05% 0.03%
Days in Program -0.0001 345.9216 218.2929 -1.92% -1.21% 0.71%
Educational Status at Program Entry -0.0610 0.0000 0.0757 0.00% -0.46% -0.46%
Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0298 0.0451 0.1378 0.13% 0.41% 0.28%
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0159 0.7372 0.6370 1.18% 1.02% -0.16%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -0.2659 0.0336 0.0328 -0.89% -0.87% 0.02%
Construction Employment -0.0736 0.0525 0.0572 -0.39% -0.42% -0.03%
Manufacturing Employment 0.3999 0.0965 0.0895 3.86% 3.58% -0.28%
Information Services Employment 0.6111 0.0379 0.0397 2.32% 2.43% 0.11%
Financial Services Employment -2.5910 0.0456 0.0448 -11.82% -11.61% 0.22%
Professional and Business Services Employment 2.0847 0.1238 0.1253 25.80% 26.12% 0.31%
Educational or Health Care Employment -0.9888 0.2254 0.2249 -22.29% -22.24% 0.05%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -0.1386 0.1051 0.1061 -1.46% -1.47% -0.01%
Other Services Employment 0.2973 0.0297 0.0298 0.88% 0.88% 0.00%
Public Administration -1.1622 0.0508 0.0500 -5.91% -5.81% 0.10%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -0.4212 0.0564 0.0471 -2.37% -1.98% 0.39%

Credential Attainment Rate

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
61.41% 52.90% -8.51%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0707 0.4474 0.3568 -3.16% -2.52% 0.64%
Age 25 to 44 -0.0329 0.4338 0.4775 -1.43% -1.57% -0.14%
Age 45 to 54 0.0388 0.3118 0.2514 1.21% 0.97% -0.23%
Age 55 to 59 0.0623 0.1291 0.1372 0.80% 0.85% 0.05%
Age 60 or more 0.1502 0.0801 0.0812 1.20% 1.22% 0.02%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0564 0.0923 0.1262 -0.52% -0.71% -0.19%
Race: American Indian -0.3371 0.0271 0.0198 -0.91% -0.67% 0.25%
Race: Asian 0.1637 0.0600 0.0878 0.98% 1.44% 0.45%
Race: Black 0.1022 0.0678 0.0703 0.69% 0.72% 0.03%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.1733 0.0077 0.0121 0.13% 0.21% 0.08%
Race: Multiple -0.1155 0.0181 0.0318 -0.21% -0.37% -0.16%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -0.1788 0.0297 0.0494 -0.53% -0.88% -0.35%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0720 0.3964 0.3600 2.86% 2.59% -0.26%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0869 0.2176 0.2272 1.89% 1.97% 0.08%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.2221 0.0110 0.0231 0.24% 0.51% 0.27%
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree -0.0083 0.1394 0.1054 -0.12% -0.09% 0.03%
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 0.0864 0.1595 0.1822 1.38% 1.57% 0.20%
Individual with a Disability -0.0539 0.0575 0.0714 -0.31% -0.38% -0.07%
Veteran -0.2284 0.1214 0.1109 -2.77% -2.53% 0.24%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -0.0417 1.0000 1.0000 -4.17% -4.17% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency -0.4402 0.0142 0.0560 -0.63% -2.46% -1.84%
Single Parent -0.0687 0.1440 0.0395 -0.99% -0.27% 0.72%
Low Income -0.0463 0.0148 0.1164 -0.07% -0.54% -0.47%
TANF Recipient 0.4132 0.0006 0.0077 0.03% 0.32% 0.29%
Homeless 0.1414 0.0000 0.0165 0.00% 0.23% 0.23%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.3307 0.0013 0.0483 -0.04% -1.60% -1.55%
UI Claimant -0.0041 0.7450 0.2997 -0.30% -0.12% 0.18%
UI Exhaustee 0.2844 0.0006 0.0000 0.02% 0.00% -0.02%
Supportive Services Recipient 0.0004 0.1517 0.4797 0.01% 0.02% 0.01%
Received Needs-related Payments -0.3258 0.0581 0.0044 -1.89% -0.14% 1.75%
Received Individualized Career Services 0.0796 0.9877 0.8375 7.87% 6.67% -1.20%
Established Individual Training Account 0.0302 0.3376 0.8244 1.02% 2.49% 1.47%
Pell Grant Recepient 0.2791 0.0658 0.0637 1.84% 1.78% -0.06%
Received Pre-vocational Services 0.0007 0.0362 0.1932 0.00% 0.01% 0.01%
Days in Program 0.0000 407.1620 348.5521 -0.83% -0.71% 0.12%
Educational Status at Program Entry -0.1164 0.0000 0.1076 0.00% -1.25% -1.25%
Employment Status at Program Entry -0.4389 0.0555 0.1131 -2.44% -4.96% -2.53%
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.0406 0.7172 0.6367 2.91% 2.58% -0.33%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -1.2320 0.0332 0.0328 -4.09% -4.04% 0.06%
Construction Employment 0.0409 0.0540 0.0572 0.22% 0.23% 0.01%
Manufacturing Employment -1.0206 0.0945 0.0895 -9.64% -9.14% 0.51%
Information Services Employment -18.9286 0.0387 0.0397 -73.24% -75.18% -1.93%
Financial Services Employment 8.2221 0.0451 0.0448 37.09% 36.83% -0.26%
Professional and Business Services Employment -3.8837 0.1247 0.1253 -48.41% -48.65% -0.24%
Educational or Health Care Employment -3.0069 0.2254 0.2249 -67.78% -67.64% 0.15%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -3.5712 0.1059 0.1061 -37.80% -37.89% -0.09%
Other Services Employment -5.4302 0.0297 0.0298 -16.10% -16.16% -0.06%
Public Administration -2.8668 0.0505 0.0500 -14.47% -14.34% 0.13%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -0.4631 0.0555 0.0471 -2.57% -2.18% 0.39%


This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2018 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Youth program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


These figures show details for each of the performance indicators in this program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2018 prior to the start of PY 2018.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2018 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2018, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related actual data. This data is used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions of the table columns are as follows:

  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2018.
  • Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2018 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2018 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2018 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Estimate0 from Estimate1.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
68.13% 65.71% -2.43%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0433 0.5326 0.4804 2.31% 2.08% -0.23%
Age 14 to 15 -0.2860 0.0096 0.0049 -0.28% -0.14% 0.14%
Age 16 to 17 0.0370 0.3518 0.2694 1.30% 1.00% -0.31%
Age 18 to 19 0.0456 0.2368 0.1794 1.08% 0.82% -0.26%
Age 20 to 21 0.0412 0.2068 0.2181 0.85% 0.90% 0.05%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0450 0.2397 0.2437 -1.08% -1.10% -0.02%
Race: American Indian -0.0741 0.1014 0.0589 -0.75% -0.44% 0.32%
Race: Asian 0.3493 0.0397 0.0687 1.39% 2.40% 1.01%
Race: Black -0.2045 0.2017 0.1538 -4.13% -3.14% 0.98%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.2505 0.0266 0.0387 -0.67% -0.97% -0.30%
Race: Multiple 0.1690 0.0816 0.0714 1.38% 1.21% -0.17%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -0.0837 0.7581 0.6712 -6.34% -5.62% 0.73%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0783 0.2261 0.2857 1.77% 2.24% 0.47%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.0931 0.0153 0.0294 0.14% 0.27% 0.13%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.3693 0.0000 0.0033 0.00% -0.12% -0.12%
Individual with a Disability 0.0316 0.1224 0.1216 0.39% 0.38% 0.00%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services 0.0010 1.0000 1.0000 0.10% 0.10% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency 0.0584 0.0261 0.0676 0.15% 0.39% 0.24%
Low Income 0.0435 0.9688 0.2950 4.21% 1.28% -2.93%
TANF Recipient -0.0754 0.0453 0.0371 -0.34% -0.28% 0.06%
Homeless 0.0209 0.1666 0.1325 0.35% 0.28% -0.07%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.1528 0.1246 0.1178 -1.90% -1.80% 0.11%
UI Claimant 0.1014 0.0096 0.0616 0.10% 0.62% 0.53%
UI Exhaustee 0.1117 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Received Needs-related Payments 0.0698 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Received Training -0.0127 0.1371 0.3026 -0.17% -0.38% -0.21%
Pell Grant Recepient -0.0289 0.0028 0.0049 -0.01% -0.01% -0.01%
Days in Program 0.0001 367.6385 263.6947 4.28% 3.07% -1.21%
Youth Parent or Pregnant Youth 0.0041 0.1343 0.1576 0.05% 0.06% 0.01%
Youth Needing Additional Assistance -0.0053 0.8227 0.2148 -0.44% -0.11% 0.32%
Educational Status at Program Entry 0.0599 0.3263 0.1668 1.95% 1.00% -0.96%
Educational Status at Program Exit -0.1355 0.1734 0.2088 -2.35% -2.83% -0.48%
Enrolled in Secondary Education Program 0.0791 0.7377 0.6058 5.84% 4.79% -1.04%
Skills/Literacy Deficient at Program Entry 0.0280 0.5932 0.3528 1.66% 0.99% -0.67%
Foster Care Youth -0.1834 0.0266 0.0338 -0.49% -0.62% -0.13%
Received Youth Services: Education Achievement 0.0203 0.7309 0.5720 1.48% 1.16% -0.32%
Received Youth Services: Guidance / Counseling -0.0108 0.5303 0.5180 -0.57% -0.56% 0.01%
Received Youth Supportive Services 0.0194 0.5484 0.5354 1.07% 1.04% -0.03%
Educational Functioning Level Pre-assessment Score 0.0001 232.2878 232.2878 1.17% 1.17% 0.00%
Educational Functioning Level Pre-assessment 0.0008 0.7076 0.7076 0.06% 0.06% 0.00%
Educational Functioning Level Post-participation Score 0.0000 235.5464 235.5464 -0.78% -0.78% 0.00%
Out of School Youth -0.0306 0.6720 0.8321 -2.06% -2.55% -0.49%
Employment Status at Program Entry 0.1331 0.0714 0.1232 0.95% 1.64% 0.69%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 1.2349 0.0332 0.0334 4.10% 4.13% 0.03%
Construction Employment -0.7220 0.0540 0.0584 -3.90% -4.21% -0.32%
Manufacturing Employment 1.0195 0.0945 0.0884 9.63% 9.01% -0.62%
Information Services Employment 2.9666 0.0387 0.0401 11.48% 11.88% 0.41%
Financial Services Employment 2.0785 0.0451 0.0448 9.38% 9.31% -0.07%
Professional and Business Services Employment 3.1365 0.1247 0.1251 39.10% 39.24% 0.15%
Educational or Health Care Employment 0.3811 0.2254 0.2246 8.59% 8.56% -0.03%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 2.2428 0.1059 0.1063 23.74% 23.84% 0.10%
Other Services Employment 1.2319 0.0297 0.0296 3.65% 3.65% -0.01%
Public Administration -1.3148 0.0505 0.0498 -6.64% -6.54% 0.09%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.2168 0.0555 0.0461 -6.75% -5.61% 1.14%

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
65.33% 60.16% -5.17%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.0400 0.5548 0.4822 2.22% 1.93% -0.29%
Age 14 to 15 -0.2799 0.0230 0.0070 -0.64% -0.20% 0.45%
Age 16 to 17 0.0698 0.3610 0.2612 2.52% 1.82% -0.70%
Age 18 to 19 0.0236 0.2434 0.1872 0.58% 0.44% -0.13%
Age 20 to 21 0.0813 0.2013 0.2122 1.64% 1.73% 0.09%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0620 0.2208 0.2659 -1.37% -1.65% -0.28%
Race: American Indian -0.0536 0.0791 0.0700 -0.42% -0.38% 0.05%
Race: Asian 0.0786 0.0471 0.0548 0.37% 0.43% 0.06%
Race: Black -0.1343 0.1683 0.1487 -2.26% -2.00% 0.26%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.0485 0.0220 0.0315 -0.11% -0.15% -0.05%
Race: Multiple 0.0259 0.0701 0.0671 0.18% 0.17% -0.01%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate -0.0507 0.7687 0.6531 -3.90% -3.31% 0.59%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.1573 0.2148 0.2939 3.38% 4.62% 1.24%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.1552 0.0155 0.0391 0.24% 0.61% 0.37%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.9654 0.0000 0.0035 0.00% -0.34% -0.34%
Individual with a Disability -0.0216 0.1292 0.1085 -0.28% -0.23% 0.04%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services 0.0177 1.0000 1.0000 1.77% 1.77% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency 0.0107 0.0391 0.0536 0.04% 0.06% 0.02%
Low Income 0.0283 0.9735 0.3009 2.75% 0.85% -1.90%
TANF Recipient -0.0637 0.0531 0.0367 -0.34% -0.23% 0.10%
Homeless 0.1821 0.1698 0.1376 3.09% 2.51% -0.59%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.1240 0.1497 0.1236 -1.86% -1.53% 0.32%
UI Claimant 0.1046 0.0135 0.0752 0.14% 0.79% 0.65%
UI Exhaustee -0.3047 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Received Needs-related Payments 0.0064 0.0005 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Received Training 0.0375 0.1287 0.3382 0.48% 1.27% 0.79%
Pell Grant Recepient -0.0352 0.0070 0.0035 -0.02% -0.01% 0.01%
Days in Program 0.0001 400.6395 260.9878 3.67% 2.39% -1.28%
Youth Parent or Pregnant Youth -0.0423 0.1317 0.1586 -0.56% -0.67% -0.11%
Youth Needing Additional Assistance -0.0096 0.8613 0.3155 -0.83% -0.30% 0.52%
Educational Status at Program Entry 0.0413 0.3916 0.1458 1.62% 0.60% -1.02%
Educational Status at Program Exit -0.0083 0.1878 0.1878 -0.16% -0.16% 0.00%
Enrolled in Secondary Education Program 0.0383 0.7722 0.5155 2.96% 1.97% -0.98%
Skills/Literacy Deficient at Program Entry 0.0280 0.5588 0.3843 1.57% 1.08% -0.49%
Foster Care Youth -0.1847 0.0240 0.0350 -0.44% -0.65% -0.20%
Received Youth Services: Education Achievement 0.0417 0.7672 0.5539 3.20% 2.31% -0.89%
Received Youth Services: Guidance / Counseling -0.0115 0.5368 0.5382 -0.62% -0.62% 0.00%
Received Youth Supportive Services -0.0294 0.5593 0.5359 -1.64% -1.58% 0.07%
Educational Functioning Level Pre-assessment Score -0.0001 232.2433 232.2433 -1.43% -1.43% 0.00%
Educational Functioning Level Pre-assessment 0.0145 0.8225 0.8225 1.19% 1.19% 0.00%
Educational Functioning Level Post-participation Score -0.0001 235.8228 235.8228 -2.36% -2.36% 0.00%
Out of School Youth -0.0533 0.6074 0.8525 -3.24% -4.54% -1.31%
Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0293 0.0651 0.1108 0.19% 0.32% 0.13%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -2.0135 0.0334 0.0328 -6.73% -6.60% 0.13%
Construction Employment -2.9894 0.0529 0.0572 -15.80% -17.10% -1.30%
Manufacturing Employment -1.1960 0.0960 0.0895 -11.49% -10.71% 0.78%
Information Services Employment -4.1201 0.0382 0.0397 -15.73% -16.36% -0.63%
Financial Services Employment -0.8159 0.0454 0.0448 -3.71% -3.65% 0.05%
Professional and Business Services Employment -0.4515 0.1242 0.1253 -5.61% -5.66% -0.05%
Educational or Health Care Employment -2.9364 0.2254 0.2249 -66.19% -66.05% 0.14%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -2.0495 0.1054 0.1061 -21.60% -21.75% -0.14%
Other Services Employment -3.3580 0.0296 0.0298 -9.95% -9.99% -0.04%
Public Administration -4.0383 0.0507 0.0500 -20.47% -20.20% 0.27%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.0116 0.0560 0.0471 -5.67% -4.77% 0.90%

Credential Attainment Rate

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
71.90% 52.24% -19.66%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female 0.2025 0.5425 0.5234 10.99% 10.60% -0.39%
Age 14 to 15 -0.4303 0.0118 0.0145 -0.51% -0.63% -0.12%
Age 16 to 17 0.0583 0.4025 0.2601 2.35% 1.52% -0.83%
Age 18 to 19 0.0107 0.2263 0.1664 0.24% 0.18% -0.06%
Age 20 to 21 0.0269 0.1727 0.1955 0.46% 0.53% 0.06%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.1753 0.2451 0.2617 -4.30% -4.59% -0.29%
Race: American Indian -0.1587 0.1003 0.0679 -1.59% -1.08% 0.51%
Race: Asian 0.2621 0.0397 0.0630 1.04% 1.65% 0.61%
Race: Black -0.2498 0.2131 0.2132 -5.32% -5.33% 0.00%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -0.2977 0.0258 0.0517 -0.77% -1.54% -0.77%
Race: Multiple 0.1335 0.0822 0.0937 1.10% 1.25% 0.15%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate 0.0079 0.8607 0.6414 0.68% 0.51% -0.17%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency -0.1342 0.1288 0.3118 -1.73% -4.18% -2.45%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College -0.2416 0.0104 0.0355 -0.25% -0.86% -0.61%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree -0.7927 0.0000 0.0016 0.00% -0.13% -0.13%
Individual with a Disability 0.0374 0.1205 0.1002 0.45% 0.37% -0.08%
Received Wagner-Peyser Act Services -0.0087 1.0000 1.0000 -0.87% -0.87% 0.00%
Limited English Proficiency -0.0290 0.0265 0.0743 -0.08% -0.22% -0.14%
Low Income 0.0800 0.9645 0.2779 7.71% 2.22% -5.49%
TANF Recipient -0.0456 0.0508 0.0420 -0.23% -0.19% 0.04%
Homeless 0.0597 0.1469 0.1648 0.88% 0.98% 0.11%
Individual who was Incarcerated -0.2378 0.1114 0.1276 -2.65% -3.03% -0.39%
UI Claimant -0.0234 0.0091 0.0533 -0.02% -0.12% -0.10%
UI Exhaustee 0.0940 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Received Needs-related Payments -0.0142 0.0000 0.0000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Pell Grant Recepient 0.0756 0.0035 0.0032 0.03% 0.02% 0.00%
Days in Program 0.0001 397.3558 241.7674 5.02% 3.05% -1.96%
Youth Parent or Pregnant Youth -0.0425 0.1260 0.1906 -0.54% -0.81% -0.27%
Youth Needing Additional Assistance 0.0396 0.8203 0.2375 3.25% 0.94% -2.31%
Educational Status at Program Entry 0.0928 0.4011 0.2472 3.72% 2.29% -1.43%
Educational Status at Program Exit -0.2367 0.2131 0.3279 -5.04% -7.76% -2.72%
Enrolled in Secondary Education Program 0.0292 0.9067 0.9968 2.65% 2.91% 0.26%
Skills/Literacy Deficient at Program Entry 0.0398 0.5850 0.4039 2.33% 1.61% -0.72%
Foster Care Youth -0.4223 0.0251 0.0210 -1.06% -0.89% 0.17%
Received Youth Services: Education Achievement 0.0246 0.8426 0.3990 2.08% 0.98% -1.09%
Received Youth Services: Guidance / Counseling -0.0211 0.5327 0.3974 -1.13% -0.84% 0.29%
Received Youth Supportive Services 0.0568 0.5585 0.5687 3.17% 3.23% 0.06%
Educational Functioning Level Pre-assessment Score 0.0001 233.4198 233.4198 2.64% 2.64% 0.00%
Educational Functioning Level Pre-assessment 0.0006 0.6411 0.6411 0.04% 0.04% 0.00%
Educational Functioning Level Post-participation Score 0.0000 236.2359 236.2359 0.01% 0.01% 0.00%
Out of School Youth -0.0486 0.5968 0.7512 -2.90% -3.65% -0.75%
Employment Status at Program Entry -0.0035 0.0731 0.1228 -0.03% -0.04% -0.02%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 2.4358 0.0334 0.0328 8.14% 7.98% -0.15%
Construction Employment -0.2579 0.0529 0.0572 -1.36% -1.48% -0.11%
Manufacturing Employment -0.4019 0.0960 0.0895 -3.86% -3.60% 0.26%
Information Services Employment 1.2232 0.0382 0.0397 4.67% 4.86% 0.19%
Financial Services Employment -0.2883 0.0454 0.0448 -1.31% -1.29% 0.02%
Professional and Business Services Employment 2.8897 0.1242 0.1253 35.90% 36.20% 0.30%
Educational or Health Care Employment 0.3545 0.2254 0.2249 7.99% 7.97% -0.02%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 2.9153 0.1054 0.1061 30.73% 30.93% 0.21%
Other Services Employment -3.0008 0.0296 0.0298 -8.89% -8.93% -0.04%
Public Administration -0.6433 0.0507 0.0500 -3.26% -3.22% 0.04%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) 0.0370 0.0560 0.0471 0.21% 0.17% -0.03%


This is an overview of the assessment of PY 2018 WIOA performance results for Washington in the Wagner-Peyser program. The figure shows the relationship between the negotiated, adjusted, and actual levels of performance. The data table shows the effects of each variable in the statistical adjustment model.


These figures show details for each of the performance indicators in this program.

  • The negotiated level of performance is the agreed upon target level of performance for PY 2018 prior to the start of PY 2018.
  • The adjusted level of performance is the result of re-calculating the negotiated level of performance once PY 2018 ends. It is calculated using model estimates, data on actual program participants in PY 2018, and data on actual economic conditions in which the participants were served.
  • The adjustment factor is the total amount that the original negotiated level was adjusted.
  • The actual level of performance shows the actual reported performance results for the indicator and includes the individual indicator score (i.e., the actual level divided by the adjusted level).

Model Data Tables

For each indicator, the tables below show the estimates for each of the variables in the statistical adjustment model and the related actual data. This data is used to determine the adjusted level of performance. The definitions of the table columns are as follows:

  • Coefficient - the effect (or weight) of the variable.
  • PY Prior - the actual data for each variable for this state in the last PY prior to negotiations.
  • PY Actual - the actual data for each variable for this state in PY 2018.
  • Estimate0 - the amount the variable contributed to the pre-PY 2018 predicted target for this indicator as used as a factor in negotiations. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Prior.
  • Estimate1 - the amount the variable contributed to the post-PY 2018 predicted target for this indicator using actual PY 2018 data. It is calculated by multiplying the Coefficient by the PY Actual.
  • Adjustment - the amount the variable contributed to the adjustment factor for the indicator. It is calculated by subtracting Estimate0 from Estimate1.

Performance Indicator:

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
67.79% 65.86% -1.93%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0751 0.4343 0.4529 -3.26% -3.40% -0.14%
Age 25 to 44 0.0014 0.4455 0.4354 0.06% 0.06% 0.00%
Age 45 to 54 -0.3562 0.2134 0.2203 -7.60% -7.85% -0.25%
Age 55 to 59 2.0781 0.0933 0.1097 19.39% 22.79% 3.40%
Age 60 or more -1.5102 0.0908 0.1201 -13.71% -18.14% -4.43%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.1847 0.1629 0.1680 -3.01% -3.10% -0.09%
Race: American Indian 0.0061 0.0280 0.0329 0.02% 0.02% 0.00%
Race: Asian -0.1159 0.0458 0.0800 -0.53% -0.93% -0.40%
Race: Black 0.1336 0.0746 0.0732 1.00% 0.98% -0.02%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -1.2564 0.0074 0.0202 -0.93% -2.54% -1.61%
Race: Multiple -0.1084 0.0029 0.0294 -0.03% -0.32% -0.29%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate 0.1669 0.3801 0.1641 6.34% 2.74% -3.60%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.1055 0.4419 0.3301 4.66% 3.48% -1.18%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.2962 0.1780 0.1891 5.27% 5.60% 0.33%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.0464 0.0000 0.0303 0.00% 0.14% 0.14%
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.3978 0.0000 0.0894 0.00% 3.55% 3.55%
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree -0.0744 0.0000 0.1423 0.00% -1.06% -1.06%
Individual with a Disability 0.4502 0.0411 0.0778 1.85% 3.50% 1.65%
Veteran -0.0673 0.0916 0.0764 -0.62% -0.51% 0.10%
Days in Program -0.0001 49.2287 37.1022 -0.74% -0.55% 0.18%
Educational Status at Program Entry -0.0838 0.2137 0.0619 -1.79% -0.52% 1.27%
Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0867 0.1186 0.1228 1.03% 1.07% 0.04%
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.2109 0.7210 0.7192 15.21% 15.17% -0.04%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -0.5403 0.0334 0.0334 -1.80% -1.81% 0.00%
Construction Employment -1.6925 0.0533 0.0584 -9.02% -9.88% -0.86%
Manufacturing Employment 0.3126 0.0954 0.0884 2.98% 2.76% -0.22%
Information Services Employment 1.4450 0.0385 0.0401 5.56% 5.79% 0.23%
Financial Services Employment 0.5555 0.0452 0.0448 2.51% 2.49% -0.02%
Professional and Business Services Employment 2.0769 0.1245 0.1251 25.85% 25.99% 0.13%
Educational or Health Care Employment 0.6732 0.2254 0.2246 15.17% 15.12% -0.05%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -0.2990 0.1056 0.1063 -3.16% -3.18% -0.02%
Other Services Employment -0.6417 0.0297 0.0296 -1.90% -1.90% 0.00%
Public Administration 0.6904 0.0506 0.0498 3.49% 3.44% -0.06%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.4093 0.0558 0.0461 -7.86% -6.50% 1.36%

Median Earnings 2nd Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
$5,641.05 $6,221.91 $580.86
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -4748.2524 0.4258 0.4466 -$2,022.03 -$2,120.57 -$98.54
Age 25 to 44 4392.7600 0.4626 0.4474 $2,031.89 $1,965.12 -$66.77
Age 45 to 54 1163.6467 0.2181 0.2274 $253.80 $264.66 $10.86
Age 55 to 59 3636.6926 0.0908 0.1088 $330.11 $395.50 $65.39
Age 60 or more 5417.9579 0.0726 0.1003 $393.45 $543.28 $149.83
Hispanic Ethnicity -326.0456 0.1831 0.1921 -$59.69 -$62.63 -$2.94
Race: American Indian 1030.5961 0.0248 0.0306 $25.61 $31.56 $5.96
Race: Asian -8028.8409 0.0451 0.0803 -$362.22 -$644.82 -$282.60
Race: Black 1169.7018 0.0729 0.0729 $85.25 $85.28 $0.03
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -3923.2834 0.0072 0.0204 -$28.17 -$80.22 -$52.05
Race: Multiple 3344.6977 0.0028 0.0279 $9.47 $93.43 $83.96
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate 1234.2337 0.3801 0.1720 $469.09 $212.25 -$256.85
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 845.0035 0.4436 0.3347 $374.85 $282.80 -$92.05
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 1137.4398 0.1763 0.1815 $200.56 $206.48 $5.92
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 108.4920 0.0000 0.0300 $0.00 $3.26 $3.26
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 1451.2893 0.0000 0.0906 $0.00 $131.49 $131.49
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree 3590.9030 0.0000 0.1391 $0.00 $499.36 $499.36
Individual with a Disability 3072.1499 0.0329 0.0613 $101.04 $188.22 $87.18
Veteran -507.5736 0.0839 0.0690 -$42.57 -$35.03 $7.53
Days in Program 0.6552 49.3058 36.1222 $32.30 $23.67 -$8.64
Educational Status at Program Entry 742.6365 0.2129 0.0580 $158.11 $43.04 -$115.06
Employment Status at Program Entry 606.3921 0.1328 0.1424 $80.51 $86.34 $5.82
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation -1477.2714 0.8058 0.7815 -$1,190.31 -$1,154.43 $35.89
Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.2762 6580.2354 8283.0850 $1,817.70 $2,288.09 $470.39
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment 9106.3509 0.0334 0.0334 $304.03 $304.54 $0.50
Construction Employment 8683.3895 0.0533 0.0584 $462.75 $506.82 $44.07
Manufacturing Employment 17671.2624 0.0954 0.0884 $1,686.19 $1,562.52 -$123.67
Information Services Employment 24834.2732 0.0385 0.0401 $955.21 $994.92 $39.71
Financial Services Employment 7733.2770 0.0452 0.0448 $349.72 $346.25 -$3.48
Professional and Business Services Employment 37685.1764 0.1245 0.1251 $4,691.32 $4,715.20 $23.88
Educational or Health Care Employment 25702.3783 0.2254 0.2246 $5,792.64 $5,773.93 -$18.70
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment 24853.8148 0.1056 0.1063 $2,625.71 $2,642.29 $16.58
Other Services Employment 11649.2590 0.0297 0.0296 $345.64 $344.80 -$0.83
Public Administration 16297.6628 0.0506 0.0498 $823.94 $810.90 -$13.04
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -2945.9160 0.0558 0.0461 -$164.28 -$135.82 $28.46

Employment Rate 4th Quarter after Exit

Estimate0 (Pre-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Estimate1 (Post-PY 2018 Predicted Outcome) Adjustment Factor
69.47% 68.86% -0.61%
Model Variable Estimates
Variable Type Variable Coefficient PY Prior PY Actual Variable Estimate0 Variable Estimate1 Adjustment
Participant Characteristic Female -0.0995 0.4323 0.4400 -4.30% -4.38% -0.08%
Age 25 to 44 0.0385 0.4457 0.4380 1.72% 1.69% -0.03%
Age 45 to 54 -0.6438 0.2151 0.2258 -13.85% -14.54% -0.69%
Age 55 to 59 1.9687 0.0925 0.1108 18.21% 21.82% 3.60%
Age 60 or more -1.1264 0.0886 0.1194 -9.98% -13.45% -3.47%
Hispanic Ethnicity -0.0271 0.1670 0.1650 -0.45% -0.45% 0.01%
Race: American Indian -0.1993 0.0274 0.0306 -0.55% -0.61% -0.06%
Race: Asian 0.2051 0.0448 0.0792 0.92% 1.62% 0.71%
Race: Black 0.0639 0.0712 0.0717 0.45% 0.46% 0.00%
Race: Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -1.3285 0.0072 0.0193 -0.96% -2.56% -1.60%
Race: Multiple -0.3427 0.0028 0.0269 -0.10% -0.92% -0.83%
Highest Grade Completed: Less than High School Graduate 0.1949 0.3799 0.1749 7.41% 3.41% -4.00%
Highest Grade Completed: High School Equivalency 0.0957 0.4403 0.3320 4.21% 3.18% -1.04%
Highest Grade Completed: Some College 0.2672 0.1798 0.1858 4.80% 4.96% 0.16%
Highest Grade Completed: Certificate or Other Post-Secondary Degree 0.0502 0.0000 0.0259 0.00% 0.13% 0.13%
Highest Grade Completed: Associate Degree 0.5594 0.0000 0.0887 0.00% 4.96% 4.96%
Highest Grade Completed: Bachelor Degree -0.1254 0.0000 0.1403 0.00% -1.76% -1.76%
Individual with a Disability 0.0684 0.0410 0.0687 0.28% 0.47% 0.19%
Veteran -0.0329 0.0933 0.0735 -0.31% -0.24% 0.07%
Days in Program -0.0002 52.0765 39.3192 -1.08% -0.81% 0.26%
Educational Status at Program Entry -0.1473 0.2159 0.0530 -3.18% -0.78% 2.40%
Employment Status at Program Entry 0.0762 0.1178 0.1073 0.90% 0.82% -0.08%
Received Wages 2 Quarters Prior to Participation 0.1795 0.7246 0.6795 13.01% 12.20% -0.81%
Economic Condition Natural Resources Employment -2.4010 0.0334 0.0328 -8.02% -7.87% 0.15%
Construction Employment -2.8442 0.0529 0.0572 -15.03% -16.27% -1.24%
Manufacturing Employment -1.9586 0.0960 0.0895 -18.81% -17.54% 1.27%
Information Services Employment -1.4211 0.0382 0.0397 -5.43% -5.64% -0.22%
Financial Services Employment -3.0359 0.0454 0.0448 -13.79% -13.60% 0.19%
Professional and Business Services Employment 0.3980 0.1242 0.1253 4.94% 4.99% 0.04%
Educational or Health Care Employment -2.2246 0.2254 0.2249 -50.15% -50.04% 0.11%
Leisure, Hospitality, or Entertainment Employment -1.9300 0.1054 0.1061 -20.34% -20.48% -0.14%
Other Services Employment -3.3491 0.0296 0.0298 -9.93% -9.97% -0.04%
Public Administration -0.9714 0.0507 0.0500 -4.92% -4.86% 0.07%
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) -1.2936 0.0560 0.0471 -7.25% -6.10% 1.15%