Clean Energy Technology Workforce Advisory Committee
Clean Energy Technology Workforce Advisory Committee
Ensuring workers have access to quality jobs in the clean energy sector is a statewide priority. As our state transitions to clean energy through investments in technology and renewable power, our fossil fuel workers may see their jobs shift as these traditional sources of energy become limited. For those entering the workforce for the first time, we want to ensure the education and training programs have prepared them for successful careers. When business, labor, education, and training programs work together, we can bring talent and prosperity for all.
Governor Inslee and the legislature passed the Climate and Clean Energy Service Workforce Programs bill, House Bill 1176, in the Spring of 2023. This legislation created a Clean Energy Technology Workforce Advisory Committee (CETWAC, or Advisory Committee) to conduct research and make policy recommendations regarding clean energy technology workforce development within the state. As clean energy businesses locate in Washington, our workers, need to have open doors to access these newer, clean energy technology jobs, from all of our educational career and technical programs and registered apprenticeships.
The Advisory Committee’s role is to gather business, labor, education training and apprenticeship partners to anticipate workforce needs, and respond to those needs in a way that provides incumbent workers and those new to the workforce with opportunities for living wage careers. For example, the Advisory Committee is made up of leaders in labor, business, education, career, and training programs as well as state agency partners. The committee’s first report, issued in 2023, featured preliminary policy issues identified by the group to assist with clean energy technology workforce development. A link to the report is included here: Clean Energy Report
As the Clean Energy Technology Advisory Committee works to build coalitions committed to clean energy technology workforce development, we will focus on opportunities for those workers who may have experienced barriers to entering the clean energy workforce or be living in communities over-burdened by environmental and economic disparities.
For more information please contact Clean Energy Technology Workforce Policy Manager Ilene Munk.
CETWAC Resources

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2023 Clean Energy Workforce Report