(360) 709-4600 workforce@wtb.wa.gov

Agency Contacts

Agency Leadership

Eleni Papadakis, Executive Director, (360) 709-4600

Lisa Engelhart, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, (360) 709-4620

Marina Parr, Workforce System Advancement Director, (360) 709-4607

Dave Wallace, Research Director, (360) 709-4641

Nova Gattman, Deputy Executive Director, (360) 709-4600

Darlene Bartlett, Consumer Protection Manager, (360) 709-4605

Bianca Laxton, Executive Assistant and Board Secretary, (360) 709-4608


Andrew Lenderman, Communications Manager, (360) 709-4618

Career Pathways

Joe Wilcox, Career Pathways Manager, (360) 709-4631

Paulette Beadling, Career Pathways Policy Associate, (360) 709-4654

Colleen SetoResearch Program Specialist, (360) 709-4626


Career Bridge

Julie Mix-Stark, Career Bridge Manager, (360) 709-4629

Barbara Mix, Career Bridge Administrative Assistant, (360) 709-4611

Marina Parr, Workforce System Advancement Director, (360) 709-4607



Dave Wallace, Research Director, (360) 709-4641

Dave Pavelchek, Senior Researcher, (360) 709-4634

Chris Dula, Senior Researcher, (360) 709-4615

Terje Gjertsen, Performance Accountability and Reporting Manager, (360) 709-4633

Coral Garey, Principal Researcher, (360) 709-4658

Kim Goutam, Manager — Data Integration Initiatives, (360) 709-4652

Solomon Asegide, Database Manager, (360) 709-4640

Barbara Mix, Administrative Assistant, (360) 709-4611

Private Career Schools

Darlene Bartlett, Private Career School Unit Manager, (360) 709-4605

Lane Anderson, Veterans Education Program Specialist, (360) 709-4653

Andy Hall, Vocational Education Program Specialist, (360) 709-4606

Shawna Koch, Vocational Education Program Specialist, (360) 709-4619

John Murray, Veterans Education Program Specialist, (360) 709-4627

Anthony Whitesides, Veterans Vocational Education Specialist, (360) 709-4613

Hannah Bartlett, Administrative Assistant, (360) 709-4600


Lisa Engelhart, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, (360) 709-4620

Kathy Borges, Fiscal Analyst, (360) 709-4623

Kat Maggio, Administrative Assistant, (360) 709-4616


Nova Gattman, Deputy Executive Director, (360) 709-4600

Renee Fullerton, Health and Social Policy Associate, (360) 709-4614

Liz Gallagher, Workfore Policy Associate, (360) 709-4610

Emily Persky, Implementation and Advocacy Manager, (360) 709-4642 

Ilene Munk, Clean Energy Technology Workforce Policy Manager, (360) 709-4628

Joe Wilcox, Career Pathways Manager, (360) 709-4631

Michelle Pierce, Administrative Assistant, (360) 709-4625


Chris Edwards, IT Systems Administration Manager, (360) 709-4624

Long-Term Care Project

Dr. Donald Smith, PhD, Long-Term Care Policy Manager, (360) 709-4650

Rebecca Adams, LPN Apprenticeship Navigator, (360) 709-4656

Claire Fite, Long-Term Care Policy Associate, (360) 709-6459

Contact the Workforce Board

Contact Us by Phone or Email

Main: (360) 709-4600
Media inquiries: (360) 709-4618
Fax: (360) 586-5862
Email: workforce@wtb.wa.gov

Click here to visit our Transcript Request page.

Click here to see our operating status.

Public Records

You may email the request directly to public records officer Andrew Lenderman or fill out the form below.

Call (360) 709-4600 for more information. Ask to speak to the public records officer.

Click here to download a PDF form to request public records.

Learn more about access to public records at the Workforce Board.

Office Hours and Location

Business hours

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, excluding legal holidays.


Raad Building
128 10th Avenue SW, 6th Floor
Olympia, WA 98501

On-street metered parking is available throughout the neighborhood.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 43105
Olympia, WA 98504-3105