(360) 709-4600 workforce@wtb.wa.gov


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I-B Youth Program

The WIOA Youth Program prepares youth for academic and employment success. To receive services, youth must be 14 through 24 years old, low income, and meet other criteria such as needing assistance to complete an educational program or secure and hold employment. The state Employment Security Department administers the program at the state level. The 12 regional Workforce Development Councils oversee WIOA activities in local areas. Local youth councils assist with the program.

State Core Indicator Results


Employment or Further Education
Percentage of participants who were employed or continued their education a year after leaving the program. *
Median annualized earnings four quarters after leaving the program (only for those not in continuing education). *
Percentage of participants who obtained an appropriate credential.
Net Employment Effect
Additional employment rate attributable to the workforce development program. **
Net Participant Benefits
Additional yearly earnings attributable to program participation (adjusted for benefits, taxes, and costs of participation). **
10-Year Economic Impact
Economy wide 10-Year net economic benefit provided by the workforce development program. **
$16 Million
10-Year Taxpayer Return on Investment
Taxpayer’s 10-Year net return from an investment in the workforce development program. **
$-0.7 to 1 

*Includes out-of-state employment data. Does not include self-employment. **See latest Net Impact Study.