(360) 709-4600 workforce@wtb.wa.gov

Workforce Development Newsletters

WAVE award launches, help spread the word to CTE students
The Washington Award for Vocational Excellence (WAVE) scholarship application is open for 2025! The award recognizes high-performing career and technical education (CTE) students at both the high school and community-and-technical college level. Many factors determine awards, including appropriated funding from the state Legislature and where students go to school. At a minimum, students will receive about $3,900 per year, for two years, or $7,800 total. WAVE is administered by the Workforce Board in collaboration with the Washington Student Achievement Council, which handles the disbursement of funds. The application deadline is March 10.

Workforce Board to hold virtual Feb. 18 meeting
The Workforce Board will hold a remote meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Board will hear a presentation from the Department of Commerce about the Community Reinvestment Program, learn more about next steps in efforts to make credentials more transparent and navigable, and get progress updates on Talent and Prosperity for All, or TAP, legislative agenda. Get more details and a link to the meeting.

New workforce system poster available now!
The Workforce Board’s popular workforce system poster is freshly updated and ready for 2025. Make sure to order copies of this handy overview of Washington’s largest, publicly funded workforce development programs, including participant employment rates and earnings, federal and state funding totals, and a list of administering agencies and providers. The poster is also known as “America’s favorite matrix,” at least among staff. The poster is free and perfect for cubicle and office walls. Email us at workforce@wtb.wa.gov to request your own copies. View the poster, including a digital PDF today.

Public comment open for Perkins State Determined Performance Levels
Now is the chance to weigh in on 2026 performance indicators as part of the Carl D. Perkins V, a federal plan that addresses career and technical education (CTE) at both the high school and postsecondary levels. States are required to set and report on core indicators of performance, including the graduation rate of CTE students, along with academic proficiency in reading, math and science, among other categories. Public comment ends March 14. Email your comments to the agency’s Perkins team. Please include “Perkins” in the subject line.

State Broadband Office hosts office hours Feb.12
The Washington State Broadband Office will host an Office Hours from 3:30-4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 12. During the first half of this virtual session, Sue Kane, Chief Executive Officer of NCW Tech Alliance, and Kendra Watson, Center Director for the Cascade Job Corps Centers, will present an overview of their workforce development initiatives followed by a Q&A with the audience. Sign up for WSBO Office Hours to receive a Zoom link to participate.

Workforce partners share Job Quality survey far and wide

Darcy Hoffman (above) of Workforce Southwest shares a simple message: Please take our new Job Quality survey! Hoffman serves as co-chair of the Workforce Board’s Job Quality Work Group, one of several focused on executing Talent and Prosperity for All, the state’s strategic workforce plan for 2024-28. The survey asks Washington workers and employers what matters most in determining job quality, from pay and working conditions to schedules and job security. Employers are encouraged to share it with their workforce. A Spanish language version is available here.

Check out Workforce Board legislative presentations

The legislative session is underway and so are we. Be sure to check out presentations from Workforce Board staff as part of our Workforce Watch blog. More coming to a screen near you!

Financial aid applications now open; Apply today 

The federal financial aid form, FAFSA, along with the WASFA, available to undocumented Washington residents, is now open to applicants. Encourage students to apply to maximize financial aid. Many types of aid are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. These forms must be filled out to access Washington’s generous WA College Grant, which provides financial assistance for eligible students attending college in Washington. Note: A family of four making up to $131,000 a year may be eligible for grant aid. Learn more about FAFSA and WASFA at the Washington Student Achievement Council’s Apply page.

SAVE THE DATE: February 18 Workforce Board meeting

February will be here before we know it. Make sure to carve out time for the next Workforce Board meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This meeting will be remote—so no matter where you are, you’re welcome to join us. Meeting details coming soon!

Research on clean energy jobs featured

The Workforce Board’s Clean Energy Technology Workforce Advisory Committee meets virtually 10-11:30, Thursday. Employer surveys, a transition-to-retirement feasibility study, and other research topics are featured at this week’s meeting (Jan. 23). See the agenda and find the zoom link at CETWAC | Washington Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board.