(360) 709-4600 workforce@wtb.wa.gov

Health Workforce Council

The Health Workforce Council brings attention to current and projected workforce shortages in healthcare occupations, and proposes strategies to address these issues. The Council has a proven track record as a policy development group in such issues as nursing shortages, behavioral health, and long-term care. The Council and its members advocate for sustainable, systemic solutions. The  Workforce Board staffs the Council. 

Health Workforce Sentinel Network 

In 2016, the Health Workforce Council launched Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network. This frequent, short survey of Washington healthcare employers identifies emerging skills and signals changes in health workforce demand. This information is quickly disseminated to education, training, and policy partners who can take action on these findings.

The Sentinel Network is a collaboration of Washington’s Workforce Board and the University of Washington Center for Health Workforce Studies.

Sentinels include healthcare providers from facilities throughout Washington. Providers offer regular, on-the-ground information about their evolving workforce needs. Sentinels are able to provide more granular feedback based on their type of healthcare facility and location in the state.

2024 report calls out need for rural health workforce strategies

During 2024, the Council gained a greater understanding of current employer needs in rural areas. Based on themes that emerged during listening sessions with rural healthcare employers and workers, this year the council will develop and advocate for policy recommendations that enable rural students and workers to access and succeed in health professional training programs and career advancement opportunities without having to leave their communities.

In addition to this rural-focused work, the Council updated and affirmed their support for recommendations from 2022 and 2023 focused on educational debt burden and community resource needs for the healthcare workforce that were not acted on or only partially acted on by policymakers in 2024.

Health Workforce Council History and Role

The Workforce Board first convened healthcare stakeholders in 2001 to address growing concerns about personnel shortages in Washington’s healthcare industry. In 2002, then-Governor Gary Locke directed the Workforce Board to create the Healthcare Personnel Shortage Task Force to address these issues. in 2003, the Legislature passed ESHB 1852, directing the Workforce Board to continue gathering stakeholders to address health workforce issues. In 2014, the Task Force changed their name to the Health Workforce Council.

The Council’s main roles include providing updates to policymakers on health workforce program educational output along with employer needs, tracking progress on implementation of new programs, and bringing together key stakeholders to develop and advocate for sustainable solutions. The Council identifies policy and funding priorities to bring to the Governor, Legislature, and other policymakers and stakeholders.