Health Workforce Council Members & Staff
The Council regularly updates a strategic plan. The plan outlines actions for the Legislature, state and local agencies, educators, labor, healthcare industry employers, and workers to take to close the gap. In 2003, the Legislature passed Engrossed Senate House Bill 1852 directing the Workforce Board to continue convening the Council, to monitor the state plan and report to the Legislature annually.
The Council holds public meetings at least twice a year to oversee progress on achieving the goals and strategies of the plan.
Health Workforce Council Resources
Suzanne Allen, MD, Chair
Vice Dean for Academic, Regional & Rural Affairs
University of Washington School of Medicine
Suzanne Ames, Ed.D, Vice-Chair
President, Peninsula College
Renee Fullerton
Council Staff Coordinator
Sofia Aragon
Washington Center for Nursing
Currently Vacant
Washington Health Care Authority
Heidi Brown
Amanda Saxton
Washington Association for Community Health
Sen. Sharon Brown
Accountable Communities of Health Representative
Stacey Devenney
Washington Council for Behavioral Health
Dan Ferguson
Allied Health Center of Excellence
Solomon Gilbert
Department of Veterans Affairs
Laura Hofmann
LeadingAge Washington
Jane Hopkins
SEIU Healthcare 1199NW
Lauren Johnson
Washington State Dental Association
Katerina LaMarche
Washington State Hospital Association
Benjamin Lewin
Independent Colleges of Washington
Russell Maier
Washington State Medical Association
Cara Margherio
SEIU 775 Benefits Group
Anna Nikolaeva-Olson
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Inez Olive
Washington Student Achievement Council
Eleni Papadakis
Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
Jo Quetsch
Washington State Nurses Association
Michelle Spenser
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Lauri St. Ours
Washington Health Care Association
Harold Wright, Jr.
Department of Health
Jennifer Zbaraschuk
Washington Dental Hygienists’ Association