(360) 709-4600 workforce@wtb.wa.gov

Resources for Veteran School Programs

The Workforce Board approves programs offered at public and private educational institutions in Washington for veterans and those eligible for GI Bill® education benefits. Over 5,000 programs are approved for benefits in Washington.

Initial Program Approval

Private career schools wanting to allow veterans (including eligible spouses and children) to use their VA benefits for an education program must initially apply through the Workforce Board.

Schools offering degree-granting programs at private four-year institutions, on-the-job (OJT) training and apprenticeship programs, flight schools, and certification exams must apply through the Washington Student Achievement Council.

Initial Approval Process
Initial approval for programs may involve the approval of one or more programs at a new, previously unapproved institution. It may also involve the approval of a new, previously unapproved program at a currently approved institution. While SAA approval is program specific, many of the approval criteria (e.g., probationary policy, disciplinary policy and grading system, etc.) are institutional in nature, applying to more than one program. At many schools, all or most of the currently offered programs are approved, leading us to use interchangeably the terms “institutional approval” and “program approval.” What we are actually doing is approving programs and the institutional policies that underlie them.

To Apply
Please download and complete all of the following forms. Return completed forms and required attachments to john.murray@wtb.wa.gov or mail them to Attn: VA Education, 128 10th Ave. SW/PO Box 43105, Olympia, WA 98504.

Note: Emails may not exceed 20 MB. You may need to send some forms and attachments in separate emails.

Downloadable Forms

  1. VA Approval Process (PDF)
  2. Submittal Checklist (PDF)
  3. Application for Approval (Form VA1) (PDF)
  4. VA Catalog Analysis (Form VA 8) (PDF)
  5. Approval Information
    Regular Schedule (Form VA 9) (XLS)
    Variable Schedule (Form VA9) (XLS)
  6. Occupational Graduate Employment Record (Form VA 10) (PDF)
  7. Acquisition of Records (Form VA 14) (PDF)
  8. Statement of Assurance of Compliance with Equal Opportunity Laws (Form VA 20-8206) (PDF)
  9. Conflicting Interest Certification (Form VA 22-1919) (PDF)
  10. Designation of Certifying Official (Form VA 22-8794) (PDF)
  11. Refund Policy-Addendum (PDF)
  12. EFT Memo – Direct Deposit Information (PDF)
  13. Policy for Evaluating Prior Education (PDF)
  14. VA Enrollment Agreement Checklist & Sample Enrollment Agreement Contract (PDF)
  15. Religious Accommodation Policy (PDF)
  16. Pending Payment Addendum (PDF)
  17. Washington State School Compliance Form (PDF)
  18. Affirmations (PDF)

High School Approval
High schools seeking approval of their diploma programs for veterans and other eligible persons under Section 3675, Title 38 must apply using the following forms:

Here are a few common items that frequently come up during our review, and should be resolved prior to submitting your materials:

VA Prorated Refund
If you are not accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, then the VA’s Pro-rated refund policy MUST be in your catalog (not just attached by an addendum) and also contained in your enrollment agreement.

Independent Study
If you are not accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, then your students may not engage in any training on their own (outside of your facility), except at authorized auxiliary locations. Authorized auxiliary locations would be inspected and approved locations listed in your approval. An example of an auxiliary location is a specific nursing home, where CNA students do their externship at. If credit is awarded for work done at home, or other disassociated place, then the program would not be able to be approved.

Cost of Books and Supplies included in Tuition
VA students are paid a books and supplies stipend that is designed to pay for these items. In order for an item to be included in the price of the tuition that is billed to the VA (instead of being paid for by the veteran) the cost must be identified as a mandatory fee in your catalog and these fees must be charged to 100% of your students without any exceptions whatsoever.

Including Registration Fees with the amount charged for Tuition
The student is responsible for paying this fee, as the VA does not pay for registration fees. The VA will not pay the school, nor will it reimburse the student.

Please send these items to our office via SFT. Contact John Murray at john.murray@wtb.wa.gov for login information and instructions.

Continued Program Approval

Does your private career school need to revise an existing program?

Continued Approval Process
Revised approvals may involve a change in institutional or program status which may impact: policy, name, location, accreditation, program design (e.g., length), branch campus, or other factors.

To Revise
Please download and complete all of the following forms. Return completed forms and required attachments to john.murray@wtb.wa.gov or mail to Attn: VA Education, 128 10th Ave. SW/PO Box 43105, Olympia, WA 98504.

Note: Emails may not exceed 20 MB. You may need to send some forms and attachments in separate emails.

Downloadable Forms

  1. VA Catalog Analysis (Form VA 8) (PDF)
  2. Submittal Checklist (PDF)
  3. Approval Information
    Regular Schedule (Form VA 9) (XLS)
    Variable Schedule (Form VA9) (XLS)
  4. Conflicting Interest Certification (Form VA 22-1919) (PDF)
  5. Designation of Certifying Official (Form VA 22-8794) (PDF) (As needed)
  6. EFT Memo – Direct Deposit Information (PDF)(As needed)
  7. Continued Approval Application (PDF)
  8. Refund Policy-Addendum (PDF)
  9. VA Enrollment Agreement Checklist & Sample Enrollment Agreement Contract (PDF)
  10. Affirmations (PDF)
Location Change

In order to continue to enroll veterans following a name or location change, the school must submit a formal request for re-approval.

To facilitate this, your package should include the following items:

  1. VA Catalog Analysis (Form VA 8) (PDF)
  2. Submittal Checklist (PDF)
  3. Approval Information
    Regular Schedule (Form VA 9) (XLS)
    Variable Schedule (Form VA9) (XLS)
  4. Conflicting Interest Certification (Form VA 22-1919) (PDF)
  5. Designation of Certifying Official (Form VA 22-8794) (PDF) (As needed)
  6. EFT Memo – Direct Deposit Information (PDF)(As needed)
  7. Continued Approval Application (PDF)
  8. Refund Policy-Addendum (PDF)
  9. VA Enrollment Agreement Checklist & Sample Enrollment Agreement Contract (PDF)
  10. Affirmations (PDF)
  11. A signed statement certifying that the facility, faculty, and instruction remain unchanged, and
  12. A signed statement certifying that the facility, faculty, and instruction remain unchanged, and• A copy of the lease or purchase agreement for the new location.

Here are a few common items that frequently come up during our review, and should be resolved prior to submitting your materials:

VA Prorated Refund
If you are not accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, then the VA’s Pro-rated refund policy MUST be in your catalog (not just attached by an addendum) and also contained in your enrollment agreement.

Independent Study
If you are not accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, then your students may not engage in any training on their own (outside of your facility), except at authorized auxiliary locations. Authorized auxiliary locations would be inspected and approved locations listed in your approval. An example of an auxiliary location is a specific nursing home, where CNA students do their externship at. If credit is awarded for work done at home, or other disassociated place, then the program would not be able to be approved.

Cost of Books and Supplies included in Tuition
VA students are paid a books and supplies stipend that is designed to pay for these items. In order for an item to be included in the price of the tuition that is billed to the VA (instead of being paid for by the veteran) the cost must be identified as a mandatory fee in your catalog and these fees must be charged to 100% of your students without any exceptions whatsoever.

Including Registration Fees with the amount charged for Tuition
The student is responsible for paying this fee, as the VA does not pay for registration fees. The VA will not pay the school, nor will it reimburse the student.

Please send these items to our office via SFT. Contact John Murray at john.murray@wtb.wa.gov for login information and instructions.

Ownership Change

In order to continue to enroll veterans following a name or location change, the school must submit a formal request for re-approval.

To facilitate this, your package should include the following items:

  1. VA Catalog Analysis (Form VA 8) (PDF)
  2. Submittal Checklist (PDF)
  3. Approval Information
    Regular Schedule (Form VA 9) (XLS)
    Variable Schedule (Form VA9) (XLS)
  4. Conflicting Interest Certification (Form VA 22-1919) (PDF)
  5. Designation of Certifying Official (Form VA 22-8794) (PDF) (As needed)
  6. EFT Memo – Direct Deposit Information (PDF)(As needed)
  7. Continued Approval Application (PDF)
  8. Refund Policy-Addendum (PDF)
  9. VA Enrollment Agreement Checklist & Sample Enrollment Agreement Contract (PDF)
  10. Affirmations (PDF)
  11.  A signed statement certifying that the facility, faculty, and instruction remain unchanged,
  12. A VA-ONCE MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) (link: https://www.benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/resources/education_resources/mou.html)
  13. A signed Acquisition of Records (Form VA 14)
  14. A signed Statement of Assurance of Compliance with Equal Opportunity Laws (VA Form 20-8206)

Here are a few common items that frequently come up during our review, and should be resolved prior to submitting your materials:

VA Prorated Refund
If you are not accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, then the VA’s Pro-rated refund policy MUST be in your catalog (not just attached by an addendum) and also contained in your enrollment agreement.

Independent Study
If you are not accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, then your students may not engage in any training on their own (outside of your facility), except at authorized auxiliary locations. Authorized auxiliary locations would be inspected and approved locations listed in your approval. An example of an auxiliary location is a specific nursing home, where CNA students do their externship at. If credit is awarded for work done at home, or other disassociated place, then the program would not be able to be approved.

Cost of Books and Supplies included in Tuition
VA students are paid a books and supplies stipend that is designed to pay for these items. In order for an item to be included in the price of the tuition that is billed to the VA (instead of being paid for by the veteran) the cost must be identified as a mandatory fee in your catalog and these fees must be charged to 100% of your students without any exceptions whatsoever.

Including Registration Fees with the amount charged for Tuition
The student is responsible for paying this fee, as the VA does not pay for registration fees. The VA will not pay the school, nor will it reimburse the student.

Please send these items to our office via SFT. Contact John Murray at john.murray@wtb.wa.gov for login information and instructions.



Compliance Survey Resources

VA Compliance Surveys are conducted periodically to ensure compliance with the laws governing the VA’s educational program (the GI Bill®).

The following items will help you prepare.

  1. VA Compliance Survey Training Slides (PDF)
  2. Compliance Survey section of the SCO handbook (pages 111-113) (PDF)
  3. “What not to enter on your 22-1999s” presentation from the VA’s website (PDF)
CDL School Waivers for Veterans

If you have experience driving trucks in the military, it is possible that experience can be used in place of going to a driving school. Click here for more information and waiver forms.

News & Information
Reminder: Room and Board Transportation Fees
On August 8, 2020, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) sent out a reminder that Room and Board and Transportation costs can never be certified as Tuition or Fees to the VA for any VA beneficiaries. Read the full policy advisory.

Training Providers Can Apply for Veterans Certificate
The Washington Department of Veterans Affairs has launched a campaign to encourage education and training institutions, including private career schools, to apply for a certificate that shows they’re veteran friendly. Learn more at WA Department of Veterans Affairs website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are State Approving Agencies (SAAs) now the point of contact for all new and modified programs and policies at institutions and facilities that have deemed approved programs; accredited standard college degree programs at public and not-for-profit IHLs, diploma programs at High Schools, Registered Apprenticeships and FAA Flight schools?
Yes. SAAs are now the point of contact for all such programs. This includes address changes, etc.

Should SAAs or Education Liason Representatives (ELRs) begin notifying the appropriate institutions of this change?
Yes. SAAs should notify the appropriate institutions of this change. Many institutions were not sending program information to SAAs or ELRs. Therefore, all impacted institutions should be informed by SAAs to submit program information to SAAs. SAAs should develop a streamlined application that specifically addresses the limited criteria such programs must meet. Institutions should be advised to no longer use the VA modification form, which is now rescinded. SAAs may wish to modify this form to their preference.

ELRs should work closely with SAAs to provide updated contact information for registered apprenticeships and FAA flight schools to ensure that these schools and institutions are appropriately notified.

Are programs that are of the type described in 38 USC 3672(b)(2)(A)(i)­ (iv) automatically “approved” or does the SAA have to first review the program to ensure that the program satisfies all of the criteria listed in 38 USC 3672(b)(2)(A) before the program is considered “deemed approved”?
Programs are not considered deemed approved until the SAA has reviewed the program to ensure that the requirements of 38 USC 3672, as well as other statutory criteria, are met. The statutory requirements that must be met to meet deemed approved criteria include the following:

  • 38 USC 3675 (b)(1) and (2)
  • 38 USC 3680A
  • 38 USC 3684
  • 38 USC 3696

Are contracted courses that make up part of an accredited standard college degree program at a public or not-for-profit Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) automatically deemed approved?
No. Such courses that are provided by a separate institution do not get to “borrow” the deemed approved status afforded to applicable programs at the degree­ granting institution. The contracted courses must be separately approved in their own right by using the applicable approval criteria.

For example, University A is an institutionally accredited public IHL and offers an accredited Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies. University A has contracted with University Z for Z to provide 12 required hours of courses in the Degree program.

However, University Z’s program that contains the contracted courses has not been approved by a State Approving Agency or the VA’s Foreign ELR (if applicable).

Therefore, the degree program at University A shall be disapproved until either Z receives approval, A provides those courses itself, or A contracts for their provision from a different institution where the courses are part of an approved program.

It is important to note that SAAs do not approve partial programs.

Is there a specific form/application for institutions to use when requesting approval of new programs or changes to existing programs that are considered deemed approved?
SAAs will determine what form will be used, although VA recommends a standardized form that asks questions solely related to deemed approved criteria with an emphasis on whether or not policies have changed and if the program is contracted.

Does this change the SAAs current workload?
VA is requesting SAAs ensure that statutory criteria for deemed approved programs are met.

Generally, public IHLs with approved programs are meeting the requirements of 3675 (b) (1) and b (2) and 3684 and 3696 as you have determined the programs continue to meet these requirements when re-approving programs and catalogs.

The deemed approved clarification guidance was issued in part, due to the fact that numerous contracted courses were not being reviewed and approved. Because 3680A
(f) requires a contracted program to have a formal approval, a standard college degree program may not be considered deemed approved unless the contracted program is approved.

What should SAAs send their schools and ELRs, and what records must be maintained?
As discussed and agreed upon by VA and the NASAA IHL/NCD committee, SAAs should notify their institutions to provide all necessary materials needed to determine if programs meet deemed approved criteria and should then notify ELRs that the review of deemed approved programs or modifications was completed.

Will VA be updating the WEAMS inventory of programs to reflect the names of all programs that SAAs confirm meet deemed approved criteria?
Yes, ELRs have already begun to enter information regarding these programs into WEAMS in preparation for the new approval system. SAAs should send ELRs all related approval information (including the approved program listing) following their review of these programs. SAAs should review all of their accredited public and not-for­ profit IHL programs before the end of FY17. SAAs should send a report to the ELR by September 30, 2017, to outline the public and not-for-profit IHLs that have been reviewed and verify that the programs meet the statutory criteria.

Resources Links

American Council on Education (military service credits): www.acenet.edu

Career Info Net (site converts military occupational codes to civilian codes): www.careerinfonet.org

Career One Stop (military spouse resource site): www.careeronestop.org

DANTES: www.dantes.doded.mil

DoD Civilian Careers: www.godefense.com

DoD News: www.defense.gov

Military.com (offers real time news and information): www.military.com

Military One Source (a resource gateway): www.militaryonesource.mil

National Association of State Approving Agencies: nasaa-vetseducation.com

Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges: www.military.com/education

Troops to Teacher Program: www.dantes.doded.mil/service-members

USA.gov (a federal government asset): www.usa.gov

U.S. Air Force website: www.af.mil

U.S. Army website: www.army.mil

U.S. Coast Guard website: www.uscg.mil

U.S. Department of Education: www.ed.gov

U.S. Department of Education (accreditation search): ope.ed.gov/dapip

U.S. Department of Labor (Veterans Employment and Training Service): www.dol.gov/vets

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (GI Bill® website): www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/

U.S. Navy website: www.navy.mil/index.asp

U.S. Marine Corps website: www.marines.mil/

VA Form search tool:www.va.gov/vaforms/

VA “Principles of Excellence” site: www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/principles_of_excellence.asp

VA-ONCE MOU: www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/resources/education_resources/mou.html

WEAMS (public search engine for approved schools): http://inquiry.vba.va.gov/weamspub/

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.