This training combines classroom instruction with paid, on-the-job training under the supervision of a journey-level craft person or trade professional. Apprenticeships are governed by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council and administered by the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I).
State Core Indicator Results
Employment Percentage of participants in paid employment four quarters after leaving the program. Employment rate for just those that completed the program in parenthesis. * |
84% (92%) |
Earnings Median annualized earnings four quarters after leaving the program. Earnings for just those that completed the program in parenthesis. |
$76,500 |
Skills Percentage of participants who completed the program. |
51% |
Net Employment Effect Additional employment rate attributable to the workforce development program. ** |
1.6% |
Net Participant Benefits Additional yearly earnings attributable to program participation (adjusted for benefits, taxes, and costs of participation). ** |
$35,400 |
10-Year Economic Impact Economy wide 10-Year net economic benefit provided by the workforce development program. ** |
$5.0 Billion |
10-Year Taxpayer Return on Investment Taxpayer’s 10-Year net return from an investment in the workforce development program. ** |
$7.80 to 1 |
*Includes out-of-state employment data. Does not include self-employment. ** See latest Net Impact Study