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Washington Award for Vocational Excellence

 The application portal is currently closed and will  open again in early 2026.


What is the Washington Award for Vocational Excellence?

WAVE is a merit scholarship that honors the achievements of Washington’s top career and technical education students. There are up to 147 winners each year — three from each state legislative district.

In 2024, there are 121 winners from across Washington.

When can I apply for WAVE?

The WAVE application portal closed for 2025. Applications will be accepted again in early 2026.

When do I find out if I won?

June 2025.

When can I use the scholarship? 

Fall semester or quarter 2025.

How much does the WAVE scholarship pay?

Many factors determine awards, including available funding and where students go to school. At a minimum, students will receive about $3,900 per year, for two years, or $7,800 total. The amount of funding may be less than the full award, if an awardee’s institution charges less in tuition and fees. WAVE winners have up to three years to begin using the award. WAVE awards are based on legislative funding and the total number of awarded grants. Financial aid rules may also apply.

Who is eligible to apply?
Graduating Washington high school seniors are eligible. These high school career and technical education (CTE) students must have completed, or be in the process of completing, the equivalent of two high school CTE credits in a single CTE pathway.

Community and technical college students are also eligible. These students must attend one of Washington’s 34 public community and technical colleges, and be in the process of completing at least one year of a professional-technical program.

Historical funding and awardees

The WAVE scholarship was relaunched in 2022 after it was paused during the Great Recession. Details for 2022-24 follow.

WAVE Cohort  Scholarship Appropriation Total WAVE awardees Student award, one year Student award, two years (total)
2022 $1.138 million 78 $11,700 $23,400
2023 $1.138 million 108 $5,200 $10,400
2024 $1.638 million 121 $6,768 $13,536
2025 $1.138 million TBD $3,900 $7,800

Other Resources:

Questions? Contact our team at wave.award@wtb.wa.gov.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is WAVE? 

WAVE is a merit scholarship that recognizes the achievements of Washington career and technical education (CTE) students who demonstrate excellence in career-connected coursework. It celebrates the value of real-world, hands-on learning in Washington.

Who is eligible?

Graduating high school seniors and community and technical college students. These students must focus on career and technical education and be Washington residents. See eligibility definitions above.

How was it created?

The Legislature established the WAVE scholarship in 1984. The program was paused in the Great Recession for 12 years, and reinstated by the Legislature in 2022.

How many scholarships are there? 

There are up to 147 scholarships from 49 legislative districts each year.

When is the deadline? 

This year’s application deadline was March 17. The appliation portal is closed. It will open again in early 2026.

What can WAVE be used for?

The award covers most undergraduate expenses at a Washington public or private college or university, or licensed private career school in this state. The amount of funding WAVE award winners receive may be less than the full award, if their institution charges less in tuition and fees.

When can I use it?

The student has up to three years to begin using the award.

Helpful hints

Check out these tips.

2025 WAVE Flyer


WAVE awardees share their stories with the Workforce Board.

Find your pathway with Career Bridge

CareerBridge.wa.gov is an award-winning website created and managed by the Workforce Board, featuring more than 6,500 Washington education programs all in one place. CareerBridge includes detailed program costs and schedules, what graduates earn, how to pay for school and which fields are expanding in the coming years. Learn more!