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Washington Award for Vocational Excellence

What is the Washington Award for Vocational Excellence?

WAVE is a merit scholarship that honors the achievements of Washington’s top career and technical education students. There are up to 147 winners each year — three from each state legislative district.

In 2024, there are 121 winners from across Washington.

When can I apply for WAVE?

The WAVE application portal is currently closed.

How much does the WAVE scholarship pay?

For Spring 2024 awardees, the scholarship is currently funded to up to about $6,768 per year up to two years, or about $13,536 total. The amount of funding may be less than the full award, if an awardee’s institution charges less in tuition and fees. WAVE winners have up to three years to begin using the award. WAVE awards are based on legislative funding and the total number of awarded grants. Funding is limited.

Who is eligible to apply?
Graduating Washington high school seniors are eligible. These high school career technical education (CTE) students must have completed, or be in the process of completing, their second course in a single CTE pathway.

Community and technical college students are also eligible. These students must attend one of Washington’s 34 public community and technical colleges, and be in the process of completing at least one year of a professional-technical program.

Other Resources:

Questions? Contact our team at wave.award@wtb.wa.gov.

Approximate timeline of 2024 WAVE Scholarship applicaton process: 

    • February 2024: Create your WashBoard Seeker Account and download required forms. Provide CTE Certification/Recommendation Form to your CTE teacher or instructor. Provide Letter of Recommendation Form to your reference.
    • Feb. 1 – March 19, 2024: WAVE application period is open. Review your completed WAVE application, ensure all required documents are attached, and submit your application early.
    • March 19, 2024: Final date to submit WAVE 2024 applications.
    • Late May/Early June 2024: WAVE 2024 notifications to applicants.


History of the Washington Award for Vocational Excellence

WAVE is a scholarship that recognizes the achievements of Washington career and technical education (CTE) students who demonstrate excellence in career-connected coursework. The award was established in 1984. It was reinstated by the Legislature in 2022 following a 12 year pause that began in the Great Recession.

WAVE recognizes top career and technical education (CTE) students at both the high school and college level across 49 Washington legislative districts. There are up to 147 potential award winners each year.

Frequently Asked Questions

68Where can I use the WAVE scholarship?

The award may be used at a Washington public or private college or university, or licensed private career school. See public and private colleges and universities where the WAVE award may be used here.

A list of eligible private career schools where the WAVE award may be used is located here.

When are the deadlines for the 2024 scholarship program?

    • Feb. 1 – March 19, 2024: WAVE application period is open. Review your completed WAVE application, ensure all attachments are included, and submit your application early.
    • March 19, 2024: Final date to submit WAVE 2024 applications.
    • March 2024: Workforce Board processes submitted WAVE applications.
    • April 2024: Start of WAVE 2024 application review.
    • Late May 2024: WAVE 2024 award notifications to applicants.
    • Late May/Early June 2024: WAVE Awardee announcements to Legislators, CTE instructors, high schools, community and technical colleges, and media.
    • Fall 2024 — Fall 2026: Three-year span in which WAVE 2024 awards must be activated.
    • Fall 2026: Final quarter that a WAVE 2024 award may be activated.

How much does it pay? 

It varies. Award amounts are based on the total number of awards granted as funding is limited. Each WAVE award is based on the tuition charged at the college that the student attends. The 2024 award will pay as much as $6,768 per year, for up to two years, or a total of about $13,536. Remember, the amount of funding a WAVE award winner receives may be less than the full award if the institution they attend charges less in tuition and fees. The student has up to three years to begin using the award.

When is the application deadline?

March 19, 2024.

Who is eligible to apply?
Graduating Washington high school seniors are eligible. These high school career and technical education (CTE) students must have completed, or be in the process of completing, their second course in a single CTE pathway.

Community and technical college students are also eligible to apply. These students must attend one of Washington’s 34 public community and technical colleges and be in the process of completing at least one year of a professional-technical program.

Apprenticeship students taking related supplemental instruction (RSI) through a state community or technical college are eligible for the WAVE scholarship. State Board for Community and Technical College apprenticeship coordinators are authorized to complete and certify an apprenticeship applicant’s CTE Certification/Recommendation form.

What does WAVE funding cover?
WAVE funding includes support for tuition, fees, room and board, and other situational costs that will impact student success, such as, but not limited to, books, supplies, transportation, childcare, and expenses related to study abroad. Please note that award winners receive varying award amounts (some lower, some higher) based on available funding and the tuition baseline at the institution they attend. That funding amount, however, can be used toward a variety of expenses, as outlined above.

Where can the award be used?
Washington community and technical colleges, regional/research universities, accredited independent colleges, and licensed private vocational schools. Please see this list for approved Washington institutions. A list of eligible private career schools where the WAVE award may be used is located here.

What are the GPA requirements?
The WAVE scholarship does not have a minimum grade point average requirement to apply. However, award recipients must maintain satisfactory progress each academic year to continue qualifying for funding. The definition of satisfactory progress depends on where the student goes to school. Contact the Washington Student Achievement Council for more information.

Is WAVE a need-based scholarship?
No. The WAVE scholarship is a merit-based scholarship that focuses on high-performing high school CTE students and professional-technical students in our state’s community and technical college system. A student’s financial need is not taken into consideration for this scholarship.

Are there any other students eligible for WAVE?
Those in the process of earning a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree at a community or technical college, and who have recently completed at least one year of professional-technical education are eligible to apply. Students enrolled in I-BEST (Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training) and Continuing Education are also eligible if they have recently completed at least one year of professional-technical education.

Students that have previously earned degrees may also apply, provided they have recently completed, or are in the process of completing, at least one year of a professional-technical program.


2024 WAVE Awardees

A complete list of 2024 WAVE scholarship winners is located here!

June 10, 2024
News Release: Workforce Board awards $1.6 million in scholarships

Attention WAVE awardees: Your scholarship is managed by the Washington Student Achievement Council, a separate state agency. Please contact WSAC at 1.888.535.0747, extension 8, or by email at wave@wsac.wa.gov, for more information. 

Learn more.