(360) 709-4600 workforce@wtb.wa.gov

Workforce Board shares Career Bridge updates with lawmakers

Washington students and job seekers will soon have access to a modernized, one stop website with thousands of education and career opportunities. The Workforce Board’s Career Bridge website is undergoing a major redesign and is scheduled to relaunch in June.
“It’s going to be a new and improved, much more user-friendly tool,” Director of Workforce System Advancement Marina Parr told the House Postsecondary Education and Workforce Committee Wednesday.

New campaign highlights value of long-term care nursing careers

The Workforce Board has launched a new statewide marketing campaign aimed at generating interest in long-term care nursing careers. The Be the Reason campaign’s message is that long-term care nursing careers are stable, rewarding careers with potential for growth and opportunities to serve your community.

The campaign was authorized by the 2023 Legislature as part of the state’s continued investment to address shortages in the long-term care industry.


Eleni Papadakis has served as the Executive Director of the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, more commonly known as the Workforce Board, since 2007. Business, labor and government stakeholders are equally represented on this tri-partite board, which oversees 16 different state and federal funding streams in the state’s comprehensive workforce development system.

Washington's workforce plan

Talent and Prosperity for All (TAP) is Washington’s strategic workforce plan. The plan supports employer needs for skilled workers and living wage jobs in all communities. The Workforce Board develops and oversees the implementation of the state’s strategic workforce plan.


Washington Workforce Board

The Workforce Board is a partnership of business, labor and government dedicated to helping residents succeed in family-wage jobs, while meeting employer needs for skilled workers. Our vision is that every Washington community is thriving, inclusive and economically resilient.

What we do

The Workforce Board provides evaluation, accountability and strategic direction to help keep Washington’s workforce system on a high impact, continuous improvement path. The Board advocates for employers who depend on skilled workers and workers who need access to living wage jobs.

Career Bridge

CareerBridge.wa.gov is an award-winning website created and managed by the Workforce Board, featuring more than 6,500 Washington education programs all in one place. CareerBridge includes detailed program costs and schedules, what graduates earn, how to pay for school and which fields are expanding in the coming years. Learn more!

Learn more about the WAVE scholarship

Each year, many Washington career and technical education (CTE) students apply for the Washington Award for Vocational Excellence. This merit scholarship helps pay for college and training.

This year’s application window is closed and will open in early 2026.

2025 Legislative Session

The Workforce Board advises the Governor and Legislature on workforce development policy to shape strategies and create and sustain a high-skill, high-wage economy.  Our budget requests showcase some of the agency’s top priorities, from Career Bridge Modernization to WAVE funding. Learn more.

Find Education and Careers

Explore careers, compare WA higher education program outcomes, more!

Order the Career Guide Today

Our Where Are You Going? career guides are free and ship anywhere in the state. Order yours today!

Contact Us

Our office is operating in a hybrid model. To request records, schedule a meeting or for more information, please contact our staff.

2025 Workforce Development Poster

Check out the Matrix, our at-a-glance summary of Washington’s key workforce development programs.

Talent and Prosperity for All

Learn about outreach and updates to Washington’s workforce development plan, Talent and Prosperity for All (TAP).

Upcoming Events

May 14, 2025
Workforce Board meeting



Board Meetings & Materials

Learn more about the Workforce Board’s work and get meeting dates and materials.

Career Bridge

Career Bridge is Washington’s one-stop source for career and education planning.

Closed School Transcripts

The Workforce Board holds transcripts from many of Washington’s closed private career schools. Former students may request copies free of charge.

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