Opportunity Partnership Program
The Opportunity Partnership Program provides industry mentors that offer relevant job experience to students participating in the Opportunity Grant Program. The Opportunity Grant Program helps low-income adults train for high-wage, high-demand careers.
The Workforce Board administers the Opportunity Partnership Program by issuing grants to Workforce Development Councils who then work with area colleges and local businesses to connect students with industry mentors and/or internships.
Read the 2022-23 project report here.
Opportunity Grant Partnership Legislative Background
Adopted in 2007, House Bill 1096 created the Opportunity Grant Program. The program provides financial aid and other services to low-income students enrolled in high employer demand programs of study at a state community or technical college.
The legislation also created the related Opportunity Partnership Program to provide industry mentors and relevant job experience to Opportunity Grant students. The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges has made a portion of the Opportunity Grant program funds available to the Workforce Board for the Opportunity Partnership Program.

Active Opportunity Partnership Projects
- Northwest Workforce Council (Bellingham)
- South Central Workforce Development Council (Union Gap)
- Spokane Workforce Council (Spokane)

2022-2023 Project Quick Facts
- 48 students enrolled in Opportunity Partnership outreach
- 23 students completed at least one mentoring engagement
- 35 students are continuing in school
- 8 students were employed following their mentoring engagement
- 29 businesses provided Opportunity Partnership mentoring engagement