(360) 709-4600 workforce@wtb.wa.gov


February 18, 2025 | 9 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. | Meeting No. 273

Location: Virtual Meeting – please register here for remote access.

The full board agenda packet is located here.

Per RCW 42.30.030 – Public access is available at the agency office, 128 10th Ave. S.W., in Olympia. The office is located on the 6th Floor. Please call (360) 709-4600 upon arrival for access — the lobby is locked.

9:00 a.m.     Call to Order
                       Welcome and Introductions

9:15 a.m.      Chairs Report                                                                                                                    Tab 1
                        Consent Agenda (ACTION)
                        Minutes from November 7, 2024, Board Meeting
                        Executive Director’s Report

9:25 a.m.     Community Reinvestment Program, Department of Commerce                       Tab 2
Korbett Mosesly, Dept. of Commerce
                         Krista Perez, Dept. of Commerce
                         Career Accelerator
                         Business Supports
                         Matched Savings Account

10:15 a.m.   Break                                                      

10:25 a.m.   TAP Implementation Update                                                                                       Tab 3
                       TAP Status Report 
Emily Persky, Workforce Board
                         Overview of TAP

10:55 a.m.   TAP Spotlight – Credential Transparency                                                                 Tab 4
                        Marina Parr, Workforce Board
Overview: Credential Transparency
                         Career Bridge Modernization
                             Update on CampusEvolve

11:25 a.m.    Legislative Update                                                                                                        Tab 5
Nova Gattman, Workforce Board
12:25 p.m.    Adjourn