(360) 709-4600 workforce@wtb.wa.gov


As independent evaluators of Washington’s workforce system, we have a dedicated research staff who collect and interpret data, and publish a variety of reports on workforce development issues. All reports are free to download.

Archived Annual Reports

Workforce Training Results
Carl Perkins CTE Reports

The Workforce Board oversees funds received through the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act–a multi-million dollar grant that helps educators better prepare students for the workplace. The Workforce Board compiles an annual report with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.

State Plans

Consolidated Annual Reports

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I-B Reports

The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides two primary funding sources for employment and training. The Workforce Board, in conjunction with the state’s Employment Security Department and regional Workforce Development Councils, compiles an annual report on how those dollars are used to help Washington residents succeed in the labor market. 

 WIOA Annual Reports

    Opportunity Partnership Reports

    Opportunity Partnership Reports

    2021-22 report

    2019-20 report

    2017-18 report

    2013-15 report



      Integrated Data Sharing

      Workforce Board staff are working closely with workforce system partners to explore challenges and opportunities around data sharing and common intake systems. 

      Annual Reports

        High Skills, High Wages (Workforce Plan until 2015)
        Aerospace Training Report

        The Aerospace Training Report detailing the supply, demand, and outcomes for Washington’s aerospace training programs.


        Behavioral Health Workforce Report

        Other Archived Reports

        Young Adult Employment Report


        These reports explore employment among Washington’s young adults.


        Higher Education and Labor Market Report

        This is a joint report from the Washington Student Achievement Council, the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and the Workforce Board. Includes assessment of high employer demand programs of study.


        Outdoor Industry Jobs Report

        This report published in 2018 provides a ground level look at employment in the agriculture, natural resources, environment, and outdoor recreation sectors. The Workforce Board was tasked by the Legislature to conduct this comprehensive study. The report was authored by Workforce Board research staff along with staff from Washington State University’s Social and Economic Sciences Research Center.

        Industry Skill Panels

        Industry Skill Panels are public/private partnerships of business, labor and education working together to improve the skills of workers in industries vital to Washington’s economy. 

        Evergreen Jobs Initiative

        Washington’s Evergreen Jobs Act (ESSHB 2227), enacted in 2009, established as a state goal that 15,000 new green economy jobs be created by 2020.

        Washington Employer Survey

        Every two years, the Workforce Board surveys employers on a range of topics including hiring challenges, employee skill gaps and productivity pressures. 

        Net Impact Study

        The Net Impact Study shows the impact workforce programs have on employment and earnings of workforce program participants when compared with a control group with similar characteristics. This detailed study is conducted every five years. Read the 2016 Net Impact Study.